
█████▀░░░░██░░░░░░░▀███▀░░▀███▀░░██░░░░████ - cope#9706
Table Of Contents
       0x00 Introduction............................
       0x01 Reason..................................
       0x02 Personal Information....................
       0x03 Social Media Accounts...................
       0x04 House Information.......................
       0x05 Outro...................................
The faggot's address + other shit this dickhead didnt cover up.
Cunt doxxed and swatted two of my friends. You asked for it, dumb rich nigger.
[Personal Info]
First Name............. Kyle
Middle Name............ Smith
Last Name.............. Brown

Online alias........... slapes

Skin Color............. White
Gender................. Male
Age.................... 15
Birthday............... 22-11-2003
Religion............... Aetheist or Christian
Phone.................. 07824160605 (wireless)
....................... 07729453367 (wireless)
Email.................. slapes@mail.com
[Social Media]
Discord Tag............ slapes#0588 (spam this dickhead)
Twitter................ @ignslapes
Youtube................ GUA slapes
Telegram............... @slapesx
[House Info]
Direct Address......... Rose Cottage, Mount Avenue, Hutton, Brentwood
Country................ England
Town................... Brentwood
County................. Essex
Post Code / ZIP........ CM13 2NZ
Bedrooms............... 6
Bathrooms.............. 7 (One in Every Room + x1 in a corridor)
House Price............ £2,050,000 (Last Updated 10 March 2017)
Year Built............. 2015 (May be inaccurate)
To the reject on this dox,
I wont be the stupid fucker you are, so enjoy the exposure, nigger.

Kind Regards, cope.