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 |  | |   Y  \  ___/  \  ___/ >    <\  ___/\  \___|  |  /|  | |  (  <_> )   |  \ (  <_> )  |     |    |     / __ \|  |  |  | \/\___  ||    <  \    \_\  \/ __ \\  \___|    <  <_> )     /\___ \|    <|  |
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           \/     \/       \/      \/    \/     \/                           \/                                 \/             \/          \/         \/     \/     \/     \/                \/     \/   

                                                                       ~ Reason: Doxing an girl with nosense bullshit js bcs he got rejected by her. ~
Chapters: 0x01 >> Story
          0x02 >> Personal Data
          0x03 >> Face identity
          0x04 >> Relationship Status
          0x05 >> Socials

0x01 (story)

-> So this guy Patryk Gackowski (_razyy) decided to dox an girl with the reason of him getting friendzoned by her, he didnt like her and he got mad and tried to show her hes harmful or something, however he failed.
   Most of the information in the dox that was taken down isnt true and he used some bullshit for the reason of the dox.


0x02 (personal data)

-> Full Name: Patryk Gackowski
-> DOB & Age: 16 Years old (4 june 2007)
-> Country he lives in: Poland
-> Address: Bydgoszcz 85-790, Fordońska 442/31 street
-> School: VIII Liceum Ogólnokształcące ul. Swarzewska 10 (https://files.doxbin.gg/nsRgRtWF.png)


0x03 (face identity)

-> https://files.doxbin.gg/FVJRHLCK.png
-> https://files.doxbin.gg/T0GoeKIJ.png
-> https://files.doxbin.gg/PLqQGnpX.png


0x04 (relationship status)

-> Single


0x05 (socials)

-> Main alias: _razyy
-> Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/7razvs
-> Snapchat: patrykgackowski