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This fat ass clout chasing hobo retard who claims to be a man of God by graffitiing "FEAR GOD" on walls mainly in the center of Chicago. On 10/14/2022
he defaced a deceased man (Juice WRLD)'s mural & someone else's art in which he took to Instagram, posting a Reel video of the graffiti on the mural.
Little did he know, doing this would only ruin his life even more due to the amount of bad opsec on his socials.

Wish you the best of luck out in the streets of Chicago - instead you should be fearing for your own life.

Video: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CjrCuwrpahg/
Video Archive: https://vimeo.com/760590317

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Name: David Valle
Email: sirtwice@gmail.com
Current Address: 2782 Grand Ridge Cir, Aurora, IL
Previous Address: 7919 S 83rd CT, Justice, IL
DOB: 1/11/1989
Ethnicity: White
Age: 33
Social Security Number: 344-82-1878
Drivers License: V40016089011
Drivers License State: IL

Phone Numbers:
   +1 (630) 210-1501 (latest)
   Carrier: T-Mobile USA, Inc.

   +1 (708) 441-9310
   Carrier: T-Mobile USA, Inc.


   Name: Santiago Arriaga
   AKA: Miriam F Valle, Miriam F Afre, Santiago Arreaga, Santiag Arriaga
   Email: millyafre14@yahoo.com
   Current Address: 2782 Grand Ridge Cir, Aurora, IL
   Past Addresses: 5438 S Kilbourn Ave, Unit 1 Chicago, IL
   Phone Number: (630) 849-1622
   Carrier: Bellsouth Mobility, LLC (AT+T)

Database Lookups:

   Email: sirtwice@gmail.com
   Location: Stanley, North Carolina, 28164

   Domain: sirtwice.com
   Registrar: godaddy.com
   Name: David Valle
   Registered: 1/12/2016

Social Medias:
   Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sirtwice
   Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/twicetattoos
   YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT7EvLUg5jVomIwsU5Auapg
   Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sirtwice