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                                               Legal Name                        Nationality                                                                                         
                                                 ▶ John Carlos Ortega              ▶ Hispanic                                       
            *                                                                                            *                                 *     
                                               Date of Birth & Age                Address                         
                                                 ▶ 09/05/2005 | 18              ▶ 1221 Isleton Place, 1, Oxnard CA, 93030               
                                  +            Email Address                      Height                      Job                       +                                           
                                                 ▶ feen4kristin@protonmail.com    ▶ 6'3                     ▶ Amazon Packaging Warehouse                                       
  *                                              ▶ otbgreed@gmail.com                                       ▶ 3100 Sakioka Dr, Oxnard CA, 93030
                                               Common Passwords                  Discord                                                   
                                                  ▶ Sep052005@                  ▶ system#0001, dig#0001, utsvq
                                                  ▶ Lmao1234@                   ▶ kristin, john, carlos, cesar, mhaze/haze, courtbox, cpp, exo, system, iraq/iraqzone  
                     +                                      +                   +  
                                                ▶ https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1249683104210354200/1253325714992791642/lp_image.jpg?ex=66757208&is=66742088&hm=bb0137b5d8eb21efa03d968322a7f5472a656b5dc4f2a8ec6f9fdc260dcd8ba3&https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1249683104210354200/1253325715324014604/lp_image.jpg?ex=66757208&is=66742088&hm=cd35f250bb60c5b8076ed0729003c616454101e23a21222f65fdaef47e179117&https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1249683104210354200/1253327184811130960/image.png?ex=66757366&is=667421e6&hm=b010a659409fe6e73840c08876518da465d598fa6b97ec26984882be68ba4733&https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1249683104210354200/1253327185121513512/image.png?ex=66757366&is=667421e6&hm=a917c12d8565133060a0e2b3bfdd698e0bd2ab4fdb86b6cc33fea1b4840a6394&

                                                ▶ +1 (805) 336-9247 

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          +                  .               ":._:`\____  /:'  /      .           .            Mother Information     
                                                 \::.  :\/:'  /              +                                                                                                       
                                .                 `.:.  /:'  }      .                          Legal Name                       Job                                                             
                                        .           ):_(:;   \           .                      ▶ N/A                          ▶ N/A                
                                                   /:. _/ ,  |                                                                                                                                             
                                                . (|::.     ,`                  .              Social                           Status                                            
                                  .                |::.    {\                                   ▶ N/A                          ▶ Married
            *                                      |::.\  \ `.                                                                                                      
                                                   |:::(\    |                                 Number                           Address
                                           O       |:::/{ }  |                  (o              ▶ N/A                          ▶ 1221 Isleton Place, 1, Oxnard CA, 93030
                                            )  ___/#\::`/ (O "==._____   O, (O  /`
                                       ~~~w/w~"~~,\` `:/,-(~`"~~~~~~~~"~o~\~/~w|/~             Email                           Password hash(s)                                  
                 +                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\\W~~~~~~~~~~~~\|/~~                  ▶ N/A                           ▶ N/A
                                                *                         *                                                    
                                *                                                                *                              
                                                *                    *                                                           
          +                  .                 .           .                                   Father Information     
                                .              .                                               Legal Name                       Job                                                             
                                        .               .                                       ▶ N/A                          ▶ N/A               
                                                            .                                  Social                           Status                                            
                                  .                                                             ▶ N/A                          ▶ Married                       
                                                                                               Number                           Address                       
                                                                                                ▶                              ▶ 1221 Isleton Place, 1, Oxnard CA, 93030 
                                                                                              Email(s)                         Password hash(s)                                
                 +                                                                              ▶ N/A                          ▶ N/A
                                                *                         *                                                    
                                *                                                                *                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

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                                                                      Heating & Cooling

                                                                    Air Conditioning Type: 
                                                                      Heating Type: 

                                                                    Fireplace Information
                                                                      # of Fireplaces: 1
                                                                      Has Fireplace

                                                                    Room Information
                                                                      # of Rooms: 4

                                                                    Exterior Information
                                                                      Physical Condition: 
                                                                      Building Style Type: 
                                                                      Construction Type: 

                                                                    View Information
                                                                      View: Good

                                                                    Property Information
                                                                      Living Sq. Ft: 3,883
                                                                      Ground Floor Sq. Ft: 3,883
                                                                      Building Sq. Ft: 3,883
                                                                      # of Stories: 1
                                                                      Legal Description: N-TRACT: 211901 : LOT: 52 
                                                                      MAPNR: 062MR 081

                                                                    Parking & Garage Information
                                                                      # of Parking Spaces: 2
                                                                      Parking Type: curbside and/or backyard
                                                                      Garage/Parking Sq. Ft: N/A
                                                                      Garage / Carport Type: N/A

                                                                    Lot Information
                                                                      # of Buildings: 1
                                                                      Land Sq. Ft: 7,350 
                                                                      Municipality Name: N/A
                                                                      Acres: 0.1687
                                                                      Zoning Code: R4PD
                                                                      County Use Description: FOUR FAMILY DWGS (TRPLX + SFR)

                                                                    Utility Information
                                                                      Electricity / Wiring Type: $298/month / Spectrum
                                                                      Water Service Type: Public

                                                                    Assessor Information
                                                                      Assessment Year: 2023
                                                                      Tax District County: Ventura County

                                                                    Year	 Property Tax	   Land  + additions = assessed Value
                                                                    2023	$6,852 (+3.1%)	$177,479	$383,372	$560,851
                                                                    2022	$6,647 (+0.8%)	$177,479	$383,372	$560,851
                                                                    2021	$6,594 (−1.8%)	$173,999	$375,855	$549,854
                                                                    2020	$6,716 (+2.9%)	$170,587	$368,486	$539,073
                                                                    2019	$6,527 (+1.4%)	$168,839	$364,708	$533,547
                                                                    2018	$6,436 (+5.3%)	$165,529	$357,557	$523,086
                                                                    2017	$6,109 (+3.6%)	$159,102	$343,674	$502,776
                                                                    2016	$5,896 (−1.0%)	$159,102	$343,674	$502,776
                                                                    2015	$5,958 (+1.2%)	$155,983	$336,936	$492,919
                                                                    2014	$5,890 (−0.3%)	$150,633	$325,376	$476,009
                                                                    2013	$5,909 (+4.3%)	$150,633	$325,376	$476,009
                                                                    2012	$5,667 (+1.9%)	$149,953	$323,906	$473,859
                                                                    2011	$5,563 (−0.5%)	$147,013	$317,555	$464,568
                                                                    2010	$5,590 (+1.1%)	$144,131	$311,329	$455,460
                                                                    2009	$5,527 (+2.9%)	$143,054	$309,003	$452,057
                                                                    2008	$5,373	$143,395	        $309,738	$453,133

                                                                    Beds: 4
                                                                    Baths: 2
                                                                    Sq. Ft. - 3,883
                                                                    Stories: 1
                                                                    Lot Size: 7,350 Sq. Ft.
                                                                    Style:  Multi-Family (2-4 Unit)
                                                                    Year Built: 1977
                                                                    Year Renovated: 
                                                                    County: Ventura County
                                                                    APN: 2020213090
                                          *                 *        
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