║ 0x00 | Table                                                                  ║
║                                                                               ║
║ 0x01 Reason                                                                   ║
║ 0x02 personal Info                                                            ║
║ 0x03 education                                                                ║
║ 0x04 IP Info                                                                  ║
║ 0x05 Social media                                                             ║
║ 0x06 father                                                                   ║
║ 0x07 Credits                                                                  ║
║                                                                               ║
║ 0x01 | Reason                                                                 ║
║                                                                               ║
║ Hes here because he forged a scam report against 2 sellers                    ║
║ and they both got banned because of it                                        ║
║ hes part of some sort of operation against BF                                 ║
║                                                                               ║
║ 0x02 | Personal Info                                                          ║
║                                                                               ║
║ First name      : Leny                                                        ║
║ Name            : Bas                                                         ║
║ DOB             : 2006                                                        ║
║ Number canceled : +33638637399                                                ║
║                                                                               ║
║ Emails                                                                        ║
║ └───────────────│                                                             ║
║                 └──│Lenybas06@gmail.com                                       ║
║                    │Rias1337@protonmail.com                                   ║
║                    └──────────────                                            ║
║ Passwords                                                                     ║
║ └───────────────│                                                             ║
║                 └──│@Sirius55                                                 ║
║                    │Sirius55                                                  ║
║                    └──────────────                                            ║
║ Aliases                                                                       ║
║ └───────────────│                                                             ║
║                 └──│sieb3l                                                    ║
║                    │siebel                                                    ║
║                    └──────────────                                            ║
║ 0x03 | Education                                                              ║
║                                                                               ║
║ Former primary school: Montessori School Saint-Jean-Bosco                     ║
║ School address: 17 BD Rémy Roure, 26100 Romans-sur-Isère                      ║
║ School number: 06 88 14 33 97                                                 ║
║ School email: contact@montessori-romans.fr                                    ║
║                                                                               ║
║ 0x04 | IP info                                                                ║
║                                                                               ║
║ IP :                                                           ║
║ └───────────────│                                                             ║
║                 └──│As        AS3215Orange S.A.                               ║
║                    │Asname    AS3215                                          ║
║                    │City      Quintenas                                       ║
║                    │Continent Europe                                          ║
║                    │Continent Code EU                                         ║
║                    │Country   France                                          ║
║                    │Country   Code FR                                         ║
║                    │Hosting   false                                           ║
║                    │Isp       France Telecom Orange                           ║
║                    │Lat       45.1882                                         ║
║                    │Lon       4.6942                                          ║
║                    │Mobile    false                                           ║
║                    │Proxy     false                                           ║
║                    │Region    ARA                                             ║
║                    │RegionName Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes                           ║
║                    │Status    success                                         ║
║                    │Timezone  Europe/Paris                                    ║
║                    │Zip       07290                                           ║
║                    └──────────────                                            ║
║                                                                               ║
║ 0x05 | Social media                                                           ║
║                                                                               ║
║ BF profile         : https://breachforums.st/User-siebel                      ║
║                                                                               ║
║ Facebook database:                                                            ║
║ └───────────────│                                                             ║
║                 └──│Facebook_RF/Data/France/France 01.txt                     ║
║                    │1262573:33609445835,100005537495425                       ║
║                    │Omer                                                      ║
║                    │Bas                                                       ║
║                    │male                                                      ║
║                    │TAXI Andancette                                           ║
║                    │1/18/2018 12,00,00 AM,,                                   ║
║                    └──────────────                                            ║
║                                                                               ║
║ YouTube channel                                                               ║
║ └───────────────│                                                             ║
║                 └──│https://www.youtube.com/@sirius-5513/featured             ║
║                    │https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn9Ub6RUH0v-RgpAjBB72aQ  ║
║                    └──────────────                                            ║
║ Leagueofgraphs.com                                                            ║
║ └───────────────│                                                             ║
║                 └──│https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/fr/summoner/euw/Sirius55   ║
║                    └──────────────                                            ║
║                                                                               ║
║ Steam                                                                         ║
║ └───────────────│                                                             ║
║                 └──│Link : https://steamcommunity.com/id/RiasOfTheEnd         ║
║                    │ID   : 76561199072773993                                  ║
║                    │HEX  : steam:1100001424f8769                              ║
║                    └──────────────                                            ║
║                                                                               ║
║ 0x06 | Father                                                                 ║
║                                                                               ║
║ Name     : BAS OMER                                                           ║
║ Born on  : 06/17/1973                                                         ║
║ Lives in : 26240 BEAUSEMBLANT (26240)                                         ║
║ Address  : 461 ROUTE D'ALBON                                                  ║
║ Email    : omer.bas@gmail.com                                                 ║
║ Number   : 0609445835                                                         ║
║                                                                               ║
║ BADOO_COM_126M_DATING_2016                                                    ║
║ └───────────────│                                                             ║
║                 └──│username  : 0168679904                                    ║
║                    │email     : akcaabatli_omer@hotmail.com                   ║
║                    │hash      : 2dd2b3c40c38c8bbd2f62422eab3d1da              ║
║                    │name      : Bas Omer                                      ║
║                    │birthdate : 1986-08-01                                    ║
║                    │other     : 26:M:9:877:133114                             ║
║                    └──────────────                                            ║
║                                                                               ║
║ Result wakanim :                                                              ║
║ └───────────────│                                                             ║
║                 └──│wakanim.json                                              ║
║                    │3775403                                                   ║
║                    │id          : $oid63092a0ab74068bc5c4f6a75                ║
║                    │uuid        : 261f715b-b709-4f3d-a03a-67ef68ef0381        ║
║                    │username    : Leny26                                      ║
║                    │email       : lenybas06@gmail.com                         ║
║                    │emailConfirmed : true                                     ║
║                    │subStatus   : NONE                                        ║
║                    │accountType : Free                                        ║
║                    │createdOn   : wakanim.website                             ║
║                    │createdAt   : 06/10/2019 16:34:26                         ║
║                    │lastActive  : 06/10/2019 16:34:27                         ║
║                    │firstName   : Leny                                        ║
║                    │lastName    : Dee                                         ║
║                    │address1    : Dee                                         ║
║                    │address2    : Ttt                                         ║
║                    │city        : Dddd                                        ║
║                    │zipCode     : 40123                                       ║
║                    │state       : FR-BL                                       ║
║                    │country     : FR                                          ║
║                    │phoneNumber : 638637399                                   ║
║                    └──────────────                                            ║
║                                                                               ║
║ 0x07 | Credits                                                                ║
║                                                                               ║
║ https://doxbin.com/user/ScoobyJew                                             ║
║ https://doxbin.com/user/GeorgeDroid                                           ║
║                                                                               ║