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                        |                                       ᴮᶜᵉ⸴ чтᵒ пᵖᵒᶜᵒчилᵒᶜь ᵇ Иᴴтᵉᵖᴴᵉт ⁻ ᵒᶜтᵃᵉтᶜя ᵇ ᴴᵉᴹ‧ ᴴᵃᵇᶜᵉгдᵃ‧                                                 |
                        | WTF MOM OMON INDA HOUSE: https://vod2ren.cdnvideo.ru/ren/tertium/2022/3/11/что%20известно%20о%20задержании%20подростков-лжеминеров.mp4 (1:18) |     
                        |                                 IGN: shirazu, curtdly, FacerGrief, FisherGrief, MersGrief, MeanGrief                                          |
                        |                                                          First name: Nikita                                                                   |
                        |                                                      Middle name: Alexandrovich                                                               |
                        |                                                           Surname: Antipov                                                                    |
                        |                                                    Date of birth: 24th March 2006                                                             |
                        |                                                     Playing HvH since: 2018 (end)                                                             |
                        |                                               Phone number: +79168370380, +79263270209                                                        |
                        |                                                       MAIL: curtdly16@yandex.ru                                                               |
                        |                                                  Card's number: 5469 4000 3676 3592                                                           |
                        |                                            School: МБПУ Развилковская СОШ с УИОП [studying]                                                   |
                        |                                                            Grade: 9D Math                                                                     |
                        |                                            School's site: https://lenschrazvilka.edumsko.ru                                                   |
                        |       His classmates on yaklass: https://www.yaklass.ru/Top/Classmates#!schoolId=76955&classIdEnc=9_0JQg0JzQsNGC0LXQvNCw0YLQuNC60LA%3D&       |
                        |           His profile on yaklass (one of the worst students): https://www.yaklass.ru/profile/063c6b58-cae0-4003-a281-0718d65b12d6             |
                        |                              Location: Moscowsky region, Leninsky district, village Razvilka, Drozdovo st., 6                                 |
                        |                                         Registrated at: Moscowsky region, Leninsky district                                                   |
                        |                                            House photo: https://i.imgur.com/7crX48v.png                                                       |
                        |         VK: https://vk.com/id493482546 (main); https://vk.com/id597807657 ; https://vk.com/id595935148 ; https://vk.com/id407027610 ;         |
                        |             https://vk.com/id514778216 ; https://vk.com/id445032662 ; https://vk.com/id532361837 ; https://vk.com/id639169988 ;               |
                        |             https://vk.com/id638885674 ; https://vk.com/id667450483 ; https://vk.com/id205841799 ; https://vk.com/id429384631                 |                             
                        |                                                 OK: https://ok.ru/stanislav.nikiforov2                                                        |
                        |       Face: http://prnt.sc/1xc4a91 ; http://prnt.sc/1xc4dip ; http://prnt.sc/1xc4g1p ; http://prnt.sc/1xc4hh0 ; http://prnt.sc/1xc4inn ;      |
                        |         http://prnt.sc/1xc4m9i ; http://prnt.sc/1xc4njr ; http://prnt.sc/1xc4opa ; http://prnt.sc/1xc4psh ; http://prnt.sc/1xc4qwi ;          |
                        |         http://prnt.sc/1xc4tt6 ; http://prnt.sc/1xc4v0v ; http://prnt.sc/1xc4wp5 ; http://prnt.sc/1xc4y06 ; http://prnt.sc/1xc4zcc ;          |
                        |  http://prnt.sc/1xc51ol (meme) ; http://prnt.sc/1xc5erz ; http://prnt.sc/1xc5k8i (w/ mom) ; http://prnt.sc/1xc5msf ; http://prnt.sc/1xc5oox ; |
                        |      http://prnt.sc/1xc5v5w ; http://prnt.sc/1xc5wuh ; http://prnt.sc/1xc5ynu ; http://prnt.sc/1xc600d (w/ mom) ; http://prnt.sc/1xc63ix ;    |
                        |      http://prnt.sc/1xc65ev ; http://prnt.sc/1xc670d ; http://prnt.sc/1xc68si ; http://prnt.sc/1xc6a3c (w/ mom) ; http://prnt.sc/1xc6bia ;    |
                        |   http://prnt.sc/1xc6d3x ; http://prnt.sc/1xc6ecq ; http://prnt.sc/1xc6fjb (meme) ; http://prnt.sc/1xc6h75 (meme) ; http://prnt.sc/1xc6jj3 ;  |
                        |     http://prnt.sc/1xc6n8i ; http://prnt.sc/1xc6ogy ; http://prnt.sc/1xc6pk8 ; http://prnt.sc/1xc6s7z (w/ mom) ; http://prnt.sc/1xc75ul ;     |
                        |     http://prnt.sc/1xc781l ; http://prnt.sc/1xc79fl ; http://prnt.sc/1xc7b8w ; http://prnt.sc/1xc7cp9 (w/ mom) ; http://prnt.sc/1xc7dvt ;     |
                        |         http://prnt.sc/1xc7g5z ; http://prnt.sc/1xc7i4t ; http://prnt.sc/1xc7ji6 ; http://prnt.sc/1xc7nsv ; http://prnt.sc/1xc7peb            |
                        |                                                                   Dog:                                                                        |
                        |                                                               Name: Sonya                                                                     |
                        |                                                                 Mother:                                                                       |
                        |                                                            First name: Yulia                                                                  |
                        |                                                        Middle name: Alexandrovna                                                              |
                        |                                                       Surname: Antipova (Saykina)                                                             |
                        |                                                      Date of birth: 28th March 1984                                                           |
                        |                                                 Phone number: +79264959591, +79269950122                                                      |
                        |                                                       MAIL: julia-280384@mail.ru                                                              |
                        |                                                          School: 2 [graduated]                                                                |
                        |                                                 Location: Moscow, Sheremetyevskaya st. 8                                                      |
                        |                                   Registrated at: Moscow, Leninsky district, Vidnoe, Shkol'naya 76, 6;                                        |
                        |                                                           INN: 561009933703                                                                   |
                        |                                                         OGRN: 320508100320482                                                                 |
                        |                                            Microenterprise: Freight transport by road (49.41)                                                 |
                        |                                        VK: https://vk.com/id75955687 ; https://vk.com/id12279958                                              |
                        |                                                OK: https://ok.ru/profile/335008257410                                                         |
                        |                                                Face: https://i.imgur.com/ly1h6sP.png                                                          |                         
                        |         Memes: http://prnt.sc/1xcbuua ; [ http://prnt.sc/1xcbztl ; http://prnt.sc/1xcc746 - he needs 5 months to return 40$ BRUH ] ;          |
                        |                                                     http://prnt.sc/1xcf7nx - CRINGE                                                           |
                        |                                                        Reason of deanonymization:                                                             |
                        |      Leaking PM, endless lies, trashtalking me behind my back for no reason, trashtalking my friends, nazism, swatted me and my friends       |
                        |                                          Credits to: yems, Justice, monroe, беседа FATALITY, tyler                                            |