➤ Name: Lyric Lynn
  ➣ Pseudonyms: Mau, Eso, End, Esex, Mel, Meli, Cloud KP, BrinyBunion457, 2, veritonz, refresh
  ➣ "username": "screensex" "sexualacts" "dying with a priest"
➤ Age: 17
➤ [DOB] Date of Birth: 12/01/2005
➤ Location of Birth: California
➤ Location: San Diego
➤ Race: White
➤ Sexual Orientation: Straight
➤ Political Affiliation: N/A
➤ Native Language: English
➤ Religion: Christian
  ➣ Additional Information
  ➣ Gender: M
  ➣ Weight: 150
  ➣ Height: 6'4

        ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
➤ Country of Citizenship: United States

➤ [ISP] Internet Service Provider: Spectrum
➤ Area Code: 608
➤ Mobile Phone Number: (650) 373-4053
  ➣ Mobile Phone Email:6503734053@sms.txt
➤ Current Address: 4694 Wolf Pen Road
  ➣ Previous Address: N/A
➤ Postal Code:94010
➤ Email Address: lyriclynnMAU@gmail.com
  ➣ Additional Information
  ➣ Static/Dynamic Assignment: Likely Static
  ➣ Internet Protocol v4/ IPv6: N/A
  ➣ Timezone: [Abbreviation] NAME N/A

	???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????
➤ Mother Name: Audrey Lynn
  ➣ [DOB] Date of Birth: November 6, 1987
  ➣ Age: 35
  ➣ Additional Information
  ➣ Example: 

➤ Father Name:  Giovanni Lynn
  ➣ [DOB] Date of Birth: August 3, 1987
  ➣ Age: 35
  ➣ Additional Information
  ➣ Example: 