Full Name: Joseph Farhat

Online Names: semp, iiGrand, Grandz, Semptin,Pine43, Pine43ALT

DOB: July 7, 2004 (age 15 turning 16 this year)

Address: 2 Parkdale Ln

State: Missouri

Relative: Mariam Farhat (Known as copperminty on social media)

City: St Peters

Country: America

ZIP Code: 63376

Reason of Dox: Being racist, harassing fans, 
switched up on his own brothas, genuinely an 
annoying cuck that no one takes seriously. Al
so made a mockery of Etika's suicide on his Discord server, saying "i jump in her pussy like etika AYYY!!!!!". Additionally, sexually harassed a girl at school (grabbed her ass without her consent, subsequently was suspended from school for it)

House and Car Appearance: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/670394007003856926/670407357347528723/unknown.png