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Reason :  Semi told Daley (also doxxed) that i have to do with this doxx of him, whilst i dont have to do anything with this and framed me whilst this semi mf sent all the info of him to cozy LOOL
Proof: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1078686805043454063/1104447790790230036/image.png

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• Ilham Cherradi Oba
• Whatsapp +31103027332
• Tel: +31850067290
(These are all work numbers ig)
• Face : 
• Own book : ilham aan tafel
• Age : 47

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Instagram ; ilhamhome 
Facebook ;  ilhamhomedecorations  
Tiktok ; @ilhamhomeofficial
Followers (instagram) : 800k (LOL)

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Selim Oba

his dad in 2014 = https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1104432178076598442/1104448196454916258/BrMsbEHIYAAeLcn.png
footbal club = https://vvspijkenissed8-2013-2014.ditismijnteam.nl/team/901608-selim-oba

highschool = de ring van putten
niveau = mavo/TL
fitness = https://www.kamlung.nl/m-n-o/

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Linkedin = https://nl.linkedin.com/in/selim-oba-87b5bb182
GMAIL : info.selimoba@gmail.com
soundcloud ; selim-oba
Facebook ; djselimoba
Tiktok ; @obaselim
twitter ; https://twitter.com/selimoba

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Full name : semi oba
Phone number : +31 6 34161959
School : valckensteyn noord 

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Maria van der duinstraat 39
Showroom of mom and dad :  Straat van Gibraltar 10, Woerden

Pancake (me)