
Full name: Scarlett McCarthy

Address: 156 Marshall Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15214

School: Falk school

Instagram(s): scarlett_mccarthy1121, thatfakeblonde_scar, (and the ones pec banned)

Dads info: 

Full name: Sean P McCarthy

Age 53 (Jan 1969)

Facebook: @JestersCourtTattoos

Instagram: @seanpmccarthy

Address: 156 Marshall Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15214

Phone numbers: 

(412) 310-9814 - Wireless
(412) 231-4772 - Landline
(412) 821-6011 - Landline

(412) 784-8282 - Landline
(412) 491-9592 - Wireless

Moms info: N/A

Grandparents: I know she’s close w them but I’m lazy to find them 
