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= Reason for DOX: Cheating On Others During Relationships, Leaking Personal Photos, Leaking Personal Information, And Being A Bitch To My Homie

Full Name: Rubie Aworth
Main Usernames: rvb1e
Age: 16
Telephone Number: +61 402866123
Home Address: 3058 Etiwanda Ave
City: Mildura
Zip/Postal: 3500
State/Province: VIC
Country: AUS

Father: Benny Aworth
Mother: Taleah Shea
Possible relative: Benny Aworth
Mothers Number: +61418505143

Persons Job: Unemployed E-Slut
Moms Job: Real Estate
Dads Job: Getting on the piss
Sisters Job: DEAD (RIP L BOZO)
Brothers Job: DEAD (RIP L BOZO)

Socail Media
Snapchat: rubielol
Google +: rubie2cool@gmail.com

Home E-Mail: rubie2cool@gmail.com
Provider: gmail.com

Telephone Numbers
Cell #: +61 402866123

School: 50% Henderson College
Address: 807 Cowra Ave, Mildura VIC 3500, Australia
School #: +61 350245192
Website: https://henderson.vic.edu.au

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