Russia is a terrorist state
This is my belief
At the end of the day
If this makes me an enemy of the USA 
So be it
This isn’t to say all Russians are terrorist 
However some are
I will doxx myself now
Scared of how some will view me 
I think of a lot of Russians as terrorist s
I’ve seen children, adults, etc blown up by Russians
Russians are terrorists
In the end I move to Ukraine as it’s people are nicer and I’d die for freedoms for that of nice, kind, caring, etc people
I’ve volunteered in a medical position for the International Legion of Defense as I’d die for Ukraine and I have tons of PTSD from childhood abuse so this would be a cake walk
Someone I like has the same views about Russians 

Name: Matthew LeMahieu
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Country: USA
City: Neenah, Wisconsin 
My Instagram: