[rsgloryandgold] Tony Ray Winchester - /tony.winchester.902 - 3383 Denver Ave Kansas City, MO 64128. Brother - /ed.winchester.14 - 5121 W Birch AVE, Fresno, CA 93722. Brothers Wife - /glenda.brendle - I'm presuming same above, fuck #48. Sister - /linda.crossetti - 212 N Walker DR, Raymore, MO 64083 Family - /judy.winchester.7 - 5121 W Birch AVE, Fresno, CA 93722 Family - Jodie L. Winchester - 3508 Husch Way, Rancho Cordova, CA I'm pretty sure its most updated, they move a lot. every nigga who came at the real crip killa 9 body keemstar. not a lot of effort, some easy shit to do just thought I'd pop this for any new-fags who can't do shit to fuck w/ love y'all cuties <# - Tonysbotnet@gmail.com If you wanna send me any request, not going to do all or maybe any, just so niggas stop spamming forum with "request" just email me and I may respond but I'm not ip doxxing with just a ip a nigga for you.