\Name: Edward Theodore Preston /Address:11077 Baumann Ave Fort Campbell, Kentucky(KY), 42223 /State: Kentucky,USA /DOB: 10-09-1985 /SSN:404-96-9775 \Reason: Tried to expose my Roblox condo stupid mf ong, also exploits on Roblox \IP: unknown (probably uses VPN and TOR) \Aliases: edted,billybloxxer1985, nokia3310, EdTP /emails: edwardpreston1985@AOL.com /Socials: EdTP#6640 https://www.roblox.com/users/12917362/profile https://www.roblox.com/users/12917346/profile (probably has an element.io account, unknown as of now) \ Images of documents- /Social Security: https://postimg.cc/Rqqt7r7Y /Home Educator Card: https://postimg.cc/m1Fh0sV2/007829f9 face: https://postimg.cc/3WCw0n6q