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          \/           \/                    \/    \/                    \/                 \/      \/           \/      \/    \/           \/ 

Chloe Sitter-Jones. 16 years old. Born on November 16th, 2006. Daughter of Amie Sitter-Jones (staff member at Pahrump Valley HS) and Jonathan Jones. High school grade 11 student at Pahrump Valley HS. Semi-professional Equestrian. Lived in Las Vegas since birth up until 2016/2017. Has been living in Pahrump ever since. Treated for cancer. Someone known to her, addressed as “KK” died of cancer on 9/14/2022. Interested in varsity tennis and seemingly plays for her school.
Parents in a relationship at least since 2015. Married in 2017.

Social Media Accounts:
https://www.instagram.com/chloesitterjones/  [OLD ACCOUNT]
https://www.facebook.com/chloe.sitterjones.98 [NEW ACCOUNT]

Friends and family:
https://www.instagram.com/addisonpierce51/ [FRIEND]
https://www.instagram.com/calliefisher7/ [FRIEND]
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100010413092533 [FATHER]
NOTE: HAS A 2ND ACCOUNT: https://www.facebook.com/jon.jones.585 
https://www.facebook.com/amie.sitterjones [MOTHER]

Current Home Address (might be inaccurate):
711 Cavalry St
Pahrump NV 89048