0x02 - PERSONAL INFORMATION Online Alias(s): robixrd, Robi Full Legal Name: Robert Fisher Nationality: Serbia Age: 16 City: Zrenjanin Born: 16.10.2004 IRL: https://image.prntscr.com/image/jjdYK4r_Q7euJdMvAIbuQw.png =========================$ 0x03 - FAMILY INFORMATION Mother Current Status: Alive Marriage Status: In Marriage IRL: https://prnt.sc/10klt22 Full Name: Ljiljana Fisher Alias: Ljilja ===============================$ 0x04 - RELATIONSHIP INFORMATION ~~Girlfriend Current Status: none, his girlfriend left him and he was depressed lol ===========================$ 0x05 - INTERNET INFORMATION IP Address: Continent: Europe Country: Serbia State: Banat City: Zrenjanin Area Code: +381 ===========================================================$ 0x06 - SOCIAL MEDIA & PERSONAL ACCOUNTS Discord: robi#9999 Namemc: https://hr.namemc.com/profile/robixrd.2 0x07 - ENDING NOTES This retard is braindead, tried to dox my friend but failed hard LMAOO harmless.