|         {+} Doxxed by Anti-Nigger Squad (funny like u) {+}       |
| - Victim                                                         |
| {+} First Name: Xavier {+}                                       |
| {+} Last Name: Gevry-Labonter {+}                                |
| {+} Phone: 613-856-7783 {+}                                      |
| {+} Age: 17 {+}                                                  |
| {+} Reason of Dox: Member of BoofGang. {+}                       |
| - Socials                                                        |
| {+} Email: horror.club@email.it                                  |
| {+} Discord: ужастик#6462 {+}                                    |
| -Internet                                                        |
| {+} IP address                             |
| {+} Host name 	modemcable071.245-177-173.mc.videotron.ca  |
| {+} IP range CIDR                 |
| {+} ISP 	Le Groupe Videotron Ltee                           |
| {+} Organization 	Videotron Ltee                             |
| {+} Country 	Canada (CA)                                        |
| {+} Region 	Quebec                                             |
| {+} City 	Québec                                             |
| {+} Time zone 	America/Toronto, GMT-0500                  |
| {+} Local time 	17:49:33 (EST) / 2021.01.25                |
| {+} Postal Code 	G1K                                        |
| -DB Leaks                                                        |
| {+} EMAIL: horror.club@email.it | PASSWORD: dentro1              |
| -House Info                                                      |
| {+} Address: 192 Rue Dumas {+}                                   |
| {+} Zip Code: QC J8Y 2P1 {+}                                     |
| {+} City: Gatineau {+}                                           | 
| {+} State: Quebec {+}                                            |
|           {+} fucking nigger that tells people hes a god {+}     │
|                     {+} pedo gets doxed {+}                      │