
                                           ,-:`-.-'    .:.|
                                          ;-.''       .::.|     Uploaded by valentino#0001 | id 733245820282994708
                           _..------.._  / (:.       .:::.|     https://demise.lol/support
                        ,'.   .. . .  .`/  : :.     .::::.|     https://t.me/vmipres
                      ,'. .    .  .   ./    \ ::. .::::::.|     
                    ,'. .  .    .   . /      `.,,::::::::.;\    message from valentino : You're welcome for such authenticity 
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 ______________________________________________________________________________   Faded Got Molested <3
|									       |      
| .       .         _+_        .                  .             .              |                                       VALENTINO'S INDEX DIRECTORY
|                    /|\    .              .   				       |                            ------------------------------------------------
|         .           *     .                        		               |                                      0x10 | REASONING/INTRO
|  .                i/|\i                     .          . .                   |                                      0x20 | BASIC INFORMATION
|        .    .     // \\*                                                     |                                      0x30 | SOCIALS             
|                  */( )\\      .                                              |                                      0x40 | RELATIVE INFORMATION
|          .      i/*/ \ \i                   .           .                    |                                      0x50 | IP INFORMATION
|   .             / /* *\+\                     .                              |                                      0x60 | CREDITS
|        .       */// + \*\\*              .         . .                       |                        ----------------------------------------------------------
|               i/  /^  ^\  \i    .         .     .                            |
|  .        .   / /+/ ()^ *\ \                 .     . .  .    .   .           |
|              i//*/_^- -  \*\i    .          .  .  .      .    .   .          |
|      .       / // * ^ \ * \ \             . VALENTINO EXPRESS WAY            |
|           i/ /*  ^  * ^ + \ \i          ..     ___            ________       |
|            / / // / | \ \  \ *\         >U___^_[[_]|  ______  |_||_|_|_|     |
|     ____(|)____    |||                  [__________|=|______|=|__|_|_|_|=    |
|    |_____|_____|   |||                   oo OOOO oo   oo  oo   -o   o-o      |
|   -|     |     |-.-|||.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.--.-.-.-.-.-    |
|    |_____|_____|						               |


                             (0x10) REASONING/INTRO



   [★] REASONING: 

          • Exposing minor imagery & sharing explicit images in a private discord vault
            • Threatening to get people swatted for those who shared his information
              • Starting beef/drama with people for absolute no reason like a retard
                 • Screenshared cp on discord using Yandex search engine    


                               (0x20) BASIC INFORMATION

                          • FULL NAME: Adriel Penta Wendell
                          • DOB/AGE: March 17th 2004 (18)
                          • MOBILE NUMBER: +1 (716) 837-2779
                          • LOGGED SSN: 469-5X-XXXX
                          • IRL: https://demise.lol/faded/img.png


                             • faded
                             • xzy/nul
                             • u9
                             • repents
                             • wirl

                             • Ethnicity: Portugal, White
                             • Religion: Christianity 
                             • Sexual Orientation: Straight 
                             • Hair Color: Brown/Black
                             • Eye Color: Brown
                             • Height: 6'1 INCHES
                             • Weight: 218.24 LBS


         • McKinley High School
          - Address: 1500 Elmwood Ave, Buffalo, NY 14207
           - Phone Number: +1 (716) 816-4480

          • Football Records
          - Team Records: https://t.maxpreps.com/3OB78kq
          - Scheduling: https://t.maxpreps.com/3GNZIZk

Current Home Address: 
            • 209 Oakmont Ave, Buffalo NY 14215                           

Registered Emails: 

            - faded@crime.su (courvix domain xd)
              - lmaofaded@gmail.com 
              - imnotwirl@gmail.com
              - crosswirl@yahoo.com

Commonly Used Passwords: (None Hashed)

      • @Foul401K
      • $WirlDidIt!!
      • Faded__1$
      • @ShowUpFaded_


                            (0x30) SOCIALS (UNCOFIRMED)


           • TELEGRAM : https://t.me/reportedly
            • SNAPCHAT : https://snapchat.com/add/weadriel       
             • DISCORD  : Faded#1281 | 792472174413086793
               • OGUSER   : https://ogu.gg/lostfaded
                • FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/wendel.adriel.56
                  • NAMEMC   : https://namemc.com/profile/wearefaded
                               - https://namemc.com/profile/snipedbysnug
                               - https://namemc.com/profile/logged 
                               - https://namemc.com/profile/cantstopwontstop
                               - https://namemc.com/profile/imxzy2

         (logged user is stolen from genux db, dont think its active or owned by him anymore)


             ,.-" "-.,
            /   ===   \
           /  =======  \
        __|  (o)   (0)  |__
       / _|    .---.    |_ \
      | /.----/ O O \----.\ |
       \/     |     |     \/
       |                   |
       |                   |
       |                   |
       _\   -.,_____,.-   /_         --- if ur reading this u look like a fucking pakistan gorilla
   ,.-"  "-.,_________,.-"  "-.,        -- yes you, i can visibly see you atm
  /          |       |          \
 |           l.     .l           |
 |            |     |            |
 l.           |     |           .l
  |           l.   .l           | \,
  l.           |   |           .l   \,
   |           |   |           |      \,
   l.          |   |          .l        |
    |          |   |          |         |
    |          |---|          |         |
    |          |   |          |         |
    /"-.,__,.-"\   /"-.,__,.-"\"-.,_,.-"\
   |            \ /            |         |
   |             |             |         |
    \__|__|__|__/ \__|__|__|__/ \_|__|__/ 


              (0x40) RELATIVE INFORMATION


        >> Relation: Mother

           • Name: Lisa Wendell
           • IRL: https://demise.lol/faded/lisa.png
           • DOB: January 5th, 1976
           • AGE: 46
           • Workplace: Office Worker For Customer Service Dept.

              • Email: lisa.wendell@gmail.com 
                      - lisa.wendell@yahoo.com
                 • Socials:
                      - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100046244883147   


        >> Relation: Father (Absent LOL)
           • Name: Michael Wendell 
           • IRL: https://demise.lol/faded/michael.png
           • DOB: January 5th, 1974
           • AGE: 48
           • Workplace: Electrician for Power Cube


       >> Relation: Sister
         • Name: Alyssa Wendell
         • IRL: https://demise.lol/faded/alyssa.png
         • DOB: September 14th, 2005
         • AGE: 17
         • Workplace: N/A (unemployed from what ik)
               • Email: alyssa.wendell@gmail.com
                       - N/A
               • Socials:
                    - https://snapchat.com/add/alyssawendell


       >> Relation: Grandmother
         • Name: Alejandra Wendell
         • IRL: https://demise.lol/faded/alejandra.png
         • DOB: August 22nd, 1952     
         • AGE: 70
         • Workplace: Retired 6-7 years ago

            • Email: alejandrabusiness@gmail.com 
                     - lovelyalejandra@yahoo.com (inactive)


      >> Relation: Grandfather

        • Name: David Wendell 
        • IRL: https://demise.lol/faded/david.png
        • DOB: November 6, 1946 
        • AGE: 76
        • Workplace: Retired

            • Email: david.wendell@hotmail.com
                     - david.wendell@yahoo.com




                           `#################'::%%%%%%%%%%%%;;;@;;;;;;'  -- "take a few" from valenmtino
                                   `##' %%%%##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%##%%%%% 
                                   ###  %%%%##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%##%%%%% 
                                    '   %%%%##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%##%%%%% 
                                   '    `%%%%#%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%#%%%%%' 
                                  '       `%%%#%%%%%%%%%%%%%#%%%%' 
                                  `         `%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%' 
                                   `          `%%%%%%%%%%%%%%' 
                                    `           `%%%%%%%%%%'  ' 
                                     '            `%%%%%%'   ' 
                                    '              `%%%'    ' 
                                   '               .%%      ` 
                                  `                %%%       ' 
                                   `                '       ' 
                                    `              '      ' 
                                    '            '      ' 
                                   '           '       ` 
                                 '           '        ' 
                                    `       ' 


                               (0x50) IP INFORMATION
                          • IP: 
                          • Assignment: Dynamic
                          • Country: America
                          • City: Buffalo NY
                          • ISP: ColoCrossing (VPS)
                          • HTTP PORT 443: Not active
                          • UDP PORT 80: Open/Filtered (possible packet limit) 
                          • TCP Connection: Connection timed out 

                                 (OLD RECORDS)
                          • IPv6: 2602:ffc8:2:105:7154:c1bb:53ae:2e5c
                          • Assignment: Static/Dynamic
                          • Country: America
                          • City: Buffalo NY
                          • ISP: Nexeon Technologies INC
                          • HTTP PORT: Inactive
                          • UDP PORT: Cannot ping an ipv6 with udp port 80
                          • TCP Connection: Cannot be established


                                   (0x60)   OUTRO

Credit: Valentino 
Discord: valentino#0001 | my id : 733245820282994708
Telegram: https://t.me/vmipres
Site: https://demise.lol/

