Name> Noah Dueckers
Fathers Name> Sascha Dueckers 
Mothers Name> Melanie Dueckers
lil Brother> Aaron Dueckers

they all live in Stuhr, Germany

School KGS-Stuhr
Fathers email>
Fathers Instagram> _saschad
Fathers Company Dueckers & Ewald GmbH & Co. KG

LinkedIn> Sascha Dueckers        /    u can see a pricture of him there and his own company and a couple other things

Their Website is

Marcusallee 16, Bremen, HB 28359, Germany    thats the office, swatt that shit

Noahs Number> 01512 8990128

btw. Noah is a Minecraft kid who always says that his father is rich and can buy everything, but he dont know what we can do with 

him so he need some respect. Let him feel that