      .-------------.      | == |
      |..---""""---..|     |----|
      | Loading Dox  |     | == |
      |     |     |----|
      |'-..........-'|     |::::|
        "")---(""        |.|
       /:::::::::::\      "    "
      /:::=======:::\   \
      """""""""""""     '-'

Reason: com kid is being doxed is due to his entire discord.com life / career is all based
ontop of him claiming he was harmful n known , claiming he was in all these shitty ass
doxxing orgs on discord.com , using it as an ego boost at that , he uses the term "known doxxer"
towards egirls and uses that as a way to gain nudes or even fansigns from them or even sound scary
.... all around a true faggot with no life

Background: hes a fucking retard with no life at all.

Name: Jayden Holter
DOB: 07/25/2006 16y/o

Number: ‪(678) 729-7937‬

Aliases: prcz, murderblock, murderscene, tcp, failing, com kid

Address: 5757 W Eugie ave glendale az 85304

IP Address: 

Image Of Address https://imgur.com/slCVXHn


Name: Jennifer Alyssa Holter

Number: (931) 787-9370

- ted-chase@nc.rr.com
PW: Spartans4
PW: 6f3cbcf81e82a36852151fcdbd5c

Age: June 1977 45y/o


Name: James Marlin George Holter

Number: (919) 437-7684

- ktchase@bigfoot.com
- ktchase@webtv.com
- ktchase@freewwweb.com
- edychase@aol.com
- edych4s3@aol.com
- ktch4s3@bigfoot.com
PW: tigger12

Age: October 1974 48y/o


Tiktok: n/a

Instagram: n/a

Facebook: N/A

Snapchat: n/a

Discord: com kid#0001


Tiktok: N/A

Instagram: N/A

Facebook: N/A

Snapchat: N/A

Discord: N/A


Tiktok: N/A

Instagram: N/A

Facebook: N/A

Snapchat: N/A

Discord: N/A

Card Number: 4674007234033241

Expiration Date: 03/2026

Social Security Number: N/A