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". _," ".-" DOXXED BY CUTBOX (cutbox#1122) ⩤────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────⩥ ┏━━━━------------━━━━┓ 1.: Reason 2.: Personal info 3.: Social Media 4.: Final notes 5.: Credits ┗━━━━------------━━━━┛ 0x01 Reason; ╭──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── · · ୨୧ · · ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ Where do i begin, this is an e-whore called rita, her online so called 'ego' is to high (higher than cares LOL), she is a bipolar freak that loves to esex niggas on video games (fortnite, etc) she is a MASSIVE tramp from portugal, one of the biggest snakes i know. with nothing, else to say enjoy. ╰──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── · · ୨୧ · · ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ 0x02 Personal Information Full Name: rita silva santos Age: 15 DOB: 8th of September 2007 Gender: female Address: 41 Humbletoft Rd, Dereham NR19 2RT Phone:+44 7468 319026 valid:true number:"447468319026" local_format:"07468319026" international_format:"+447468319026" country_prefix:"+44" country_code:"GB" country_name:"United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" carrier:"Vodafone Ltd" line_type:"mobile" School: Northgate High School Northgate High School Dereham Norfolk NR19 2EU 01362 697033 office@northgate.norfolk.sch.uk Reception: Mrs. Emma Yarham, Mrs. Maria Littleproud and Mrs. Helen Gillard Heads of School: Mrs Z Galley and Dr D Hone Chair of Governors: Dr Tim Kinnaird (clerk@unityeducationtrust.uk) SENDCO: Miss C Brooks (cbrooks@ng6.unity-ed.uk) Senior Leadership Team Miss R Mackie Headteacher Mr D Banham Deputy Headteacher Mr J Tunaley Deputy Headteacher Mrs L Walker Principal Finance Officer – including Site Services and Support Staff Mr A Bluck Assistant Headteacher Learning Support Mr S Day Assistant Headteacher Extended Curriculum & Personal Development Mr R Grainger Assistant Headteacher Progress Mrs A Hope Assistant Headteacher Strategic Planning Years 7 to 11 Progress Director Pastoral Officer Year 7 Mr J Baalham Mr S Hall Year 8 Mr A Pettitt Mrs C Szyszlyk Year 9 Mr S Songhurst Miss A Spurgeon Year 10 Mr M Gaffney Mrs R Wright Year 11 Miss R Bridges Mrs C Pilsworth Sixth Form Head of Sixth Form Mr J Alexander Assistant Head of Sixth Form - Year 12 Mr J Watson & Mrs C Pope Assistant Head of Sixth Form - Year 13 Miss D Fowler Subject Leaders Subject Member of staff Art & Photography Mr D Beattie Biology Miss R Mitchell & Miss H Mosley Business Studies Mrs N Daglish & Miss J Hyland Chemistry Mr P Silvester Computing and ICT Mr A Howard Design Technology Mr J Jenner Drama and Dance Miss H Patrick Economics Mr W Pierce English Miss G Smy & Mrs C Wright Food Miss H Carpenter Foundation Learning Mr J McIntyre French Dr V Ohakwe Geography Ms A Turner German Mr A Cobbold Health and Social Care & Child Development Ms J Huggins History Miss Z Quinton Law Mrs K Whittingham Maths Miss C King Media Studies Mr I Bailey Modern Foreign Languages Dr M Dixon Music Mrs C Rutter & Miss J Tournay-Godfrey Philosophy, Religion & Ethics Mrs F Smith Physical Education Mr S Smith Physics Mr S Snowden Psychology Mr S Wootton Science Mrs H Rojek Sociology & Politics Mr S Evans Spanish Dr M Dixon Special Educational Needs Coordinator Mrs S Asher Textiles Mrs A Fisk Support Staff Responsibility Member of Staff Admin Officer – Learning Support Mrs S Kerry Attendance Officer Mrs J Pipe Careers Lead Mrs V Calder Copy & Design Manager Mrs J Ward Examinations Officer Mrs E Phillips Finance Officer Mrs L Runnacles Headteacher’s PA Mrs T Finch HR Manager & Support Staff Communications mrs L Grand Intervention Centre Manager Mr A Forbes Librarian Mrs A Revell Mrs T Colchester Office Manager Mrs J Clark Principal of ICT Infrastructure and Services Mr S Novak Safeguarding Manager Mrs L Harvey Site Manager Mr M Brailsford Systems and Data Manager Mr S Burgoyne 0x03 social media FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/ritasantos.silva.3597 SnapChat: wys.rxta TikTok: rxtalol Instagram: idkrxta Discord: ilovehim#0963 ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║0x04; ║ ║ So final notes is that this girl was doxxed because she was extremely annoying disgusting ║ ║ and just a whole disgrace for more info we have here: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/ ║ ║ 1080181629684813978/1082278543670657064/IMG_5309.jpg ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ I hope this girl doesn't repeat the same mistake, three times now. ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ Pics; ║ ║ https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1080181629684813978/1082275771600621578/4CDCCDCD-3B83-║ ║ 40B7-96F1-2F42C9FA2944.jpg ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ next time dont act like you're the shit lol ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝