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⛞ Name : Leonardo Kenji Gunardi
⛞ Age : 16
⛞ Sex : Male
⛞ Date of birth : 19/08/2008
⛞ Father’s name : Stefanus roy gunardi
⛞ Father's picture : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1228737537783103629/1308310318694531073/448140741_3612333869018196_8731087471814951234_n.jpg?ex=673d7a6f&is=673c28ef&hm=08c2c38e7aaeb820cc533215fc1ea304a27f9c0219a35a26874ef229312f8a1f&
⛞ Father's number : 087722294456
⛞ Father's birthdate : 24/02/1990
⛞ Father's Facebook :
⛞ Mother’s name : Omy 
⛞ Mother’s date birth : 28/10/1988
⛞ Mother’s Instagram :
⛞ Mother's 's phone number : 087881479684
⛞ emails : ixchl71@gmail.com
⛞ Instagram : krekennzii
⛞ Phone Number: 083895982658
⛞ Country Indonesia
⛞ State : Sumatera barat
⛞ City : Padang
⛞ Address: Perumahan jala utama                                                                                                                                                          ⛞ Business Number : 082287924140 (Arau water park)       
|⛞ reason: his bum ass asked me to dox him and upload it to the bin
(same shitty template)
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⢰⡏ ⠙⠲⣄ ⡰⠋⢙⣿⣦⡀ 
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