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greetings!, & welcome!,
Result aka Quinten Tooley is a poor nigger who steals his really close friend's account for $
Bro so poor he steals a $200 account LMFAOAOAOA what a nigger
All the information you see here is 100% accurate confirmed by his old friends & the way he reacted when I told him I had it. 
He will beg aspertaine to get this taken down so copy down any info you want to threaten him with and have fun :)

                                _-o#&&*''''?d:>b\_                            +               .
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                             | |/ _` | '__/ _` |/ _ \ __|   | | | '_ \|  _/ _ \| '__| '_ ` _ \ / _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \ 
                             | | (_| | | | (_| |  __/ |_   _| |_| | | | || (_) | |  | | | | | | (_| | |_| | (_) | | | |                          *
                             |_|\__,_|_|  \__, |\___|\__| |_____|_| |_|_| \___/|_|  |_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|
                                           __/ |                                                                       
          +                               |___/                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
                                               Legal Name                        Nationality                                                                                         
                                                 ▶ Quinten Tooley                ▶ White / Canadian                                       
            *                                                                                            *                                 *     
                                               Date of Birth                     Address                         
                                                 ▶ Sept 3rd 2006                 ▶ 7 hillhurst crescent, Courtice, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada (address is 100% confirmed by his old friends + the way he defended it)             
                                  +            Email Address                      Height                       +                                           
                                                 ▶ quinten.tooley06@gmail.com    ▶ Told me he was 5'7 back when we used to be chill until he scammed for only $200 ROFL                                                               
                                               Common Passwords                  Social Media                                                     
                                                 ▶  unknown                      ▶ Snapchat: quintentooley (confirmed by his friends)                                                                          
                                            Igns: namemc.com/resultlol
                                                  the account he stole because he was poor: namemc.com/splinted (map 4 eotw cape)                                                       +                                                
 ╚────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╝                                                                                   ▶ iminluv3 (snap)                                                           
                                                  Ip information                                                                                                                 
                                                net range 
            *                                                                                            *                                 *     
                                                CIDR                              NetName                         
                                                ▶  Bell                            ▶           
                                  +             NetHandle                         Main ip                       +                                           
                                                 ▶                                ▶       

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| | | |                      (_)      / _|                         | | (_)            
| |_| | ___  _   _ ___  ___   _ _ __ | |_ ___  _ __ _ __ ___   __ _| |_ _  ___  _ __  
|  _  |/ _ \| | | / __|/ _ \ | | '_ \|  _/ _ \| '__| '_ ` _ \ / _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \ 
| | | | (_) | |_| \__ \  __/ | | | | | || (_) | |  | | | | | | (_| | |_| | (_) | | | |
\_| |_/\___/ \__,_|___/\___| |_|_| |_|_| \___/|_|  |_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|

                         │                                                                                                        │
                         │                                                                                                        │
                         │                                          House information                                             │
                         │                                       ────────────────────────                                         │
                         │                                                                                                        │
                         │                                     supposed rich female molly                                         │                                     
                         │                                                                                                        │
                         │                                        house property:                                                 │
                         │                                  ▶  3 bed                                                                   │                                              
                         │                                  ▶  3 bath                                                                   │
                         │                                  ▶  1 garage (LOL POOR)                                                                   │
                         │                                  ▶  worth pennies                                                                    │ 
                         │                                  ▶                                                                     │
                         │                                  ▶                                                                     │
                         │                                                                                                        │
                         │                                                                                                        │
                         │                                                                                                        │
                         │                                                                                                        │
                         │                                                                                                        │
                         │                                                                                                        │                                         
                         │                                                                                                        │
                         │                                                                                                        │ 
                         │                                         .--. .-,       .-..-.__                                        │      
                         │                                       .'(`.-` \_.-'-./`  |\_( "\__                                     │
                         │                                    __.>\ ';  _;---,._|   / __/`'--)                                    │
                         │                                   /.--.  : |/' _.--.<|  /  | |                                         │
                         │                               _..-'    `\     /' /`  /_/ _/_/                                          │
                         │                                >_.-``-. `Y  /' _;---.`|/))))                                           │
                         │                               '` .-''. \|:  .'   __, .-'"`                                             │
                         │                                .'--._ `-:  \/:  /'  '.\             _|_                                │   
                         │                                   /.'`\ :;   /'      `-           `-|-`                                │
                         │                                   -`    |     |                      |                                 │
                         │                                         :.; : |                  .-'~^~`-.                             │
                         │                                         |:    |                .' _     _ `.                           │   
                         │                                         |:.   |                | |_) | |_) |                           │ 
                         │                                         :. :  |                | | \ | |   |                           │ 
                         │                                         : ;   |                |           |                           │ 
                         │                                         : ;   |                | Here dies |                           │ 
                         │                                         : ;   |                |           |                           │ 
                         │                                         : ;   |                |  Quinten|                           │
                         │                                       . : . : ;         ✞      |           |                           │
                         │                               -."-/\\\/:::.    `\."-._'."-"_\\-|           |///."-                     │
                         │                               " -."-.\\"-."//.-".`-."_\\-.".-\\`=.........=`//-".                      │
                         │                                                                                                        │
                         │                                                                                                        │

          _                 _     
         | |               | |  _ 
 ___  ___| |__   ___   ___ | | (_)
/ __|/ __| '_ \ / _ \ / _ \| |    
\__ \ (__| | | | (_) | (_) | |  _ 
|___/\___|_| |_|\___/ \___/|_| (_)
Holy Trinity C. S. S.
Courtice North Public School
his elementry school: Dr. Emily Stowe Public School


                                         let his blood spill
@ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : @
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                  | |    
  ___ _ __ ___  __| |___ 
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| (__| | |  __/ (_| \__ \
 \___|_|  \___|\__,_|___/

all of his old friends who started to hate him as they saw him for who he really was (beaming his own friend for $200 when he trusted him LOLO)
what a poor nigger
shoutout: vpop for supplying some critical information