                                                  [                                                                                                                        ]
                                                  [                                                       INTRODUCTION                                                     ]
                                                  [                                                                                                                        ]
                                                   :[]: k so this dox is because nyla wants to be a weird ass whore and date resto, aka my old gmans her tag tag is :[]:
                                                   :[]: nylalalala id is 590392730237272094, I don't dox as u can tell but ik a lot about this girl so ima js put   :[]:
                                                   :[]: what I know.   can be found in discord.gg/high gng                                                          :[]:  

                           |       |
                         |  I N R I  |
                           |       |                             
|~.\\\_\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~xx~~~         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/_//;~|
|  \  o \_         ,XXXXX),                         _..-~ o /  |
|    ~~\  ~-.     XXXXX`)))),                 _.--~~   .-~~~   |
 ~~~~~~~`\   ~\~~~XXX' _/ ';))     |~~~~~~..-~     _.-~ ~~~~~~~ 
          `\   ~~--`_\~\, ;;;\)__.---.~~~      _.-~                            
            ~-.       `:;;/;; \          _..-~~                                 Current Address: 301 Bradford ln Belton MO 64012
               ~-._      `''        /-~-~                                       Name On The House: Tomisha Ballew
                   `\              /  /                                         Last Sold For: $328,000 On October 26th, 2019
                     |         ,   | |                                          Estimated Price In 2023: $344,598
                      |  '        /  |                                          Status: Sold on 08/30/21
                       \/;          |                                           Property Type: Family
                        ;;          |                                           Year Built: 2001
                        `;   .       |                                          Style: Modern 
                        |~~~-----.....|                                         Neighborhood: 64012
                       | \             \                                        Lot Size: 5,625 Square Feet
                      | /\~~--...__    |                                        MLS#: 17-273388
                      (|  `\       __-\|                                        Price Per Square Foot: $611
                      ||    \_   /~    |                                        Buyers Agent Commission: 3%
                      |)     \~-'      |                                        Parking: On Street, Garage
                       |      | \      '                                        Number Of Full Bathrooms: 3
                       |      |  \    :                                         Flooring Information: Carpet, Vinyl, Wood
                        \     |  |    |                                         Laundry Information: True
                         |    )  (    )                                         Equipment: Refrigerator
                          \  /;  /\  |                                          Additional Rooms: Master Bedroom
                          |    |/   |                                           Heating/Cooling: Forced Air
                          |    |   |                                            Building Information: 3 floors
                           \  .'  ||                                            Lot Size (Acres): 0.26
                           |  |  | |                                            Tax: $42,820
                           (  | |  |                                            Basement: Daylight, Finished, Sump Pump, Walk-Out Access
                           |   \ \ |                                            
                           || o `.)|                                         
                           |`\\\\) |                                           
                           |       |                                           
                           |       |                                            
                           |       |                                            

                            /  \                                                     Discord Username: nylalalala 
                           |    |                                                    User ID: 590392730237272094 
       (`----._____.-'"""`. \__/ .'"""`-._____.----')                                Email: False 
        (____       .      `|  |'      .       ____)                                 Phone Number: (816) 627-9366 
          (___`----' .     _|  |_     . `----'___)                                   Billing Info: False 
            (__`----'  _.-' |  | `-._  `----'__)                                     Nitro: True 
              `._____.'_    |  |    _`._____.'                                       Subscriber Since: Jan 21, 2024 
                     /o )-< |  | >-( o\                                              Account Created: Jun 17, 2019 
                    / .'    |  |    `. \                                             2FA: False 
                   J J      |  |      L L                                            Language: English 
                   | |      |  |      | |                                            Connections: Spotify, twitter(X) 
                   J J      |  |      F F                                            Token: False
                    \ \     |  |     / /                                             Password: False 
                     \ `.   |  |   .' /                                              Servers Owned: False 
                      `. `-.|  |.-' .'
                        `-. |.-' .-'
                          .-' .-'.                                                   (RESTO)
                        .' .-' |. `.                                                 Discord Username: stickinpublic
                       / .' |  | `. \                                                User ID: 1199463631985844315 
                      / /   |  |   \ \                                               Billing Info: False 
                     J J    |  |    L L                                              Nitro: False (broke bitch)
                     | |    |  |    | |                                              Subscriber Since: ^ (hes in poverty) 
                     J J    |  |    F F                                              Account Created: Jan 23, 2024
                      \ `.  |  |  .' /                                               2FA: False 
                       `. `-|  !-' .'                                                Language: Enlgish 
                         `-.!-' .-'                                                  Connections: Crunchyroll: poorHonor
                          .' .-|`.                                                   Token: False 
                         / .|  |. \                                                  Password: False 
                        J J |  | L L                                                 Servers Owned: False 
                        | | |  | | |                                                  
                        J J |  | F F
                          `.\|  |/.'
                            `|  |'
                             |  |
                             |  |
                             |  |
                             `--'                                          resto is a bastard, resto is a bastard, resto is a bastard, resto is a bastard, resto is a bastard, resto is a bastard

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|  _  |/ ___ \|  __/|  __/ | |                                       
|_| |_/_/_  \_\_|  _|_|___ |_| _______ ____  ____    _    ______   __
   / \  | \ | | \ | |_ _\ \   / / ____|  _ \/ ___|  / \  |  _ \ \ / /
  / _ \ |  \| |  \| || | \ \ / /|  _| | |_) \___ \ / _ \ | |_) \ V / 
 / ___ \| |\  | |\  || |  \ V / | |___|  _ < ___) / ___ \|  _ < | | 
/_/  _\_\_|_\_|_| \_|___|  \_/  |_____|_| \_\____/_/   \_\_| \_\|_|