Reason: Alannah (Lana) T. is a beg, she likes to play da hood and last word people everyday AND shes a no namer

                   _   _                       _                             _                     
                  | | | |                     (_)                           | |                    
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                                                  __/ | __/ |                                      
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[===] Lana's information
[+] Full Name:       Alannah Thompson
[+] Address:         35 SpringfieldsColeshill, Birmingham B46 3EG, UK
[+] Date of Birth:   06/10/2006
[+] Age:             17 turning 18
[+] Mobile:          +44 077 8195 5070
[===] Socials:
[!] Discord:         LostWills [id: 777557324326895646]
[!] Roblox:          remorsefulfantasies [id: 5650766995]

[===] Mother's details:
[+] Name:            Isla Thompson
[+] Maiden Name:     Evans
[+] Date of Birth:   23/07/1981
[+] Age:             43
[+] Address:         35 SpringfieldsColeshill, Birmingham B46 3EG, UK
[+] Mobile:          +44 078 2994 1061

[===] Father’s details:
[+] Name:            Kieran Thompson
[+] Mobile:          +44 070 1137 2544
[+] Age:             44
[+] Date of Birth:   18/06/1980
[+] Address:         35 SpringfieldsColeshill, Birmingham B46 3EG, UK