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                                          ░  ░  ░   ░   ░  ░    ░  ░   ░                 ░  ░    ░  


                                                            house INFO + info

                                                             CREDIT + passwords

                                                               FAMILY INFO

                                                        SCHOOL INFO + POILCE INFO


                                               ██ ███▄    █    █████ ▒█████  
                                             ▒▓██ ██ ▀█   █  ▓██    ▒██▒  ██▒
                                             ░▒██▓██  ▀█ ██▒ ▒████  ▒██░  ██▒
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                                              ▒    ░   ░ ░   ░ ░   ░ ░ ░ ▒  
                                              ░          ░ ░           ░ ░  

ip: ""
 hostname: "adsl-67-34-28-15.asm.bellsouth.net"
 city: "Rutherfordton"
 region: "North Carolina"
 country: "US"
 loc: "35.3693,-81.9568"
 org: "AS7018 AT&T Services, Inc."
 postal: "28139"
 timezone: "America/New_York"
 asn: Object
 asn: "AS7018"
 name: "AT&T Services, Inc."
 domain: "att.com"
 route: ""
 type: "isp"
 company: Object
 name: "AT&T Corp."
 domain: "att.com"
 type: "isp"
 privacy: Object
 vpn: false
 proxy: false
 tor: false
 hosting: false
 abuse: Object
 address: "206 Bolling Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30305"
 country: "US"
 email: "abuse@att.net"
 name: "IP Operations"
 network: ""
 phone: "+1-888-510-5545"
 domains: Object
 total: 0
 domains: Array


                                ██░ ██  ▒█████   █    ██   ██████  ▓█████      ██ ███▄    █    █████ ▒█████  
                              ▒▓██░ ██ ▒██▒  ██▒ ██  ▓██▒▒██    ▒  ▓█   ▀    ▒▓██ ██ ▀█   █  ▓██    ▒██▒  ██▒
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                               ░▓█ ░██ ▒██   ██░▓▓█  ░██░  ▒   ██▒ ▒▓█  ▄     ░██▓██▒  ▐▌██▒ ░▓█▒   ▒██   ██░
                               ░▓█▒░██▓░ ████▓▒░▒▒█████▓ ▒██████▒▒▒░▒████     ░██▒██░   ▓██░▒░▒█░   ░ ████▓▒░
                                ▒ ░░▒░▒░ ▒░▒░▒░ ░▒▓▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒▓▒ ▒ ░░░░ ▒░      ░▓ ░ ▒░   ▒ ▒ ░ ▒ ░   ░ ▒░▒░▒░ 
                                ▒ ░▒░ ░  ░ ▒ ▒░ ░░▒░ ░ ░ ░ ░▒  ░ ░░ ░ ░        ▒ ░ ░░   ░ ▒░░ ░       ░ ▒ ▒░ 
                                ░  ░░ ░░ ░ ░ ▒   ░░░ ░ ░ ░  ░  ░      ░        ▒    ░   ░ ░   ░ ░   ░ ░ ░ ▒  
                                ░  ░  ░    ░ ░     ░           ░  ░   ░        ░          ░ ░           ░ ░  

Facts and featuresEdit
Year built:
Forced air, Gas
Garage - Detached, Off-street, Parking Structure
10,402 sqft
Interior details
Bedrooms and bathrooms
Bedrooms: 4
Heating features: Forced air, Gas
Cooling features: Central
Other interior features
Total interior livable area: 2,720 sqft
Fireplace: Yes
Property details
Parking features: Garage - Detached, Off-street, Parking Structure
Exterior features: Brick
Lot size: 10,402 sqft
Other property information
Parcel number: 17010000030711
Construction details
Type and style
Home type: SingleFamily
Architectural style: Conventional
Year built: 1924
Community and Neighborhood Details
Region: Atlanta
HOA and financial details
Other financial information
Tax assessed value: $702,000
Annual tax amount: $8,699

See fewer facts and features
Services availability
81.81Sun Number™

Price and tax history
Price history
Price history is unavailable.

Public tax history
Year	Property Taxes	Tax Assessment
2019	$8,699	$280,800(-10.4%)
2018	$8,699	$313,360(+28.5%)
2017	$8,699(-3.6%)	$243,880
2016	$9,021(+0.1%)	$243,880(+0.2%)
2015	$9,013(+11.7%)	$243,320(+10%)
2014	$8,068(+4.1%)	$221,240(+2%)
2013	$7,750(+9.2%)	$216,880(+10%)
2012	$7,095	$197,080
2011	--	$197,080(-6.3%)
2010	$7,628(+435.5%)	$210,240
2009	$1,424	$210,240
2008	--	$210,240(0%)
2007	$1,304	$210,320(+17.5%)
2005	--	$178,920(+9.8%)
2004	$1,669(-67.4%)	$162,920(+19.2%)
2003	$5,116(+242.6%)	$136,640
2002	$1,493(-64.1%)	$136,640
2001	$4,161	$136,640

 me value


Zestimate range

$804,000 - $1.05M
Last 30-day change

+ $18,423 (+2.0 %)
Zestimate per sqft


Local tax assessments$813,734
This estimate looks at the regional average amount that homes sell for above or below their tax assessed value. We then use that number to determine the value of this home, based on its latest tax assessment. What affects the accuracy of this estimate?
How it’s calculated:
2019 tax-assessed value
+15.9 %
average amount homes are selling for above their 2019 tax-assessed value
tax-based estimate
Top sales in this estimateSale-to-tax
property card
3 bds • 2 ba • 2,162 Square Feet
Tax Assessment: $665,500
130 E Wesley Rd NE
114.95 %
property card
4 bds • 3 ba • 2,700 Square Feet
Tax Assessment: $731,800
2415 Montview Dr NW
134.05 %
property card
For Rent
5 bds • 5 ba • 3,223 Square Feet
Tax Assessment: $821,000
2755 N Hills Dr NE
109.50 %
property card
3 bds • 3 ba • 2,674 Square Feet
Tax Assessment: $650,000
318 Brentwood Dr NE
186.15 %
property card
4 bds • 3 ba • 2,522 Square Feet
Tax Assessment: $687,500
126 Ridgeland Way NE
141.82 %
property card
4 bds • 3 ba • 3,000 Square Feet
Tax Assessment: $745,200
2875 N Hills Dr NE
59.04 %
property card
3 bds • 3 ba • 2,506 Square Feet
Tax Assessment: $660,700
2913 N Hills Dr NE
 4 bd2.5 ba2,720 sqft
206 Bolling Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30305
Off marketZestimate®: $923,600Rent Zestimate®: $4,985/mo

Est. refi payment: 
Refinance your loan       
                                   ▄████▄  ██▀███  ▓█████ ▓█████▄   ██▄▄▄█████▓
                                  ▒██▀ ▀█ ▓██ ▒ ██▒▓█   ▀ ▒██▀ ██▌▒▓██▓  ██▒ ▓▒
                                 ▒▓█    ▄▓██ ░▄█ ▒▒███   ░██   █▌░▒██▒ ▓██░ ▒░
                                 ▒▓▓▄ ▄██▒██▀▀█▄  ▒▓█  ▄▒░▓█▄   ▌ ░██░ ▓██▓ ░ 
                                 ▒ ▓███▀ ░██▓ ▒██▒░▒████░░▒████▓  ░██  ▒██▒ ░ 
                                   ░ ░▒ ▒  ░ ▒▓ ░▒▓░░░ ▒░ ░ ▒▒▓  ▒  ░▓   ▒ ░░   
                                   ░  ▒    ░▒ ░ ▒░ ░ ░    ░ ▒  ▒   ▒     ░    
                                   ░          ░   ░    ░    ░ ░  ░   ▒   ░ ░    
                                    ░         ░        ░      ░      ░        
CCnum:: 4400830012192108
Cvv: 078
Expm: 01
Expy: 25


CCnum:: 4400830012192108
Cvv: 078
Expm: 01
Expy: 25


URL               : https://account.protonvpn.com/signup/account
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : Malijuice
Password          : Amalakyi7
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : username
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 5/30/2021 6:21:19 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\amala\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://accounts.google.com/signup/v2/webcreateaccount
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : amalakyie2006
Password          : Amalakyi8
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : Username
Password Field    : Passwd
Created Time      : 6/13/2021 7:35:55 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\amala\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://github.com/signup
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : bruvvvvv
Password          : Amalakyi7
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : user[login]
Password Field    : user[password]
Created Time      : 6/23/2021 6:51:28 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\amala\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://my.babbel.com/en/welcome/9
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : AMalakyi
Password          : Amalakyi7
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : 
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 5/27/2021 10:02:32 AM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\amala\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://nordaccount.com/signup/set-password
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : amalakyie0327@gmail.com
Password          : Amalakyi7
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : 
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 5/30/2021 7:17:36 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\amala\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://profreehost.com/register/
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : amalakyie0327@gmail.com
Password          : Amalakyi7
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : email
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 6/7/2021 6:20:32 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\amala\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://sso.godaddy.com/account/create
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : amalakyie0327@gmail.com
Password          : Amalakyi7
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : username
Password Field    : new-password
Created Time      : 6/7/2021 6:31:31 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\amala\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://vrchat.com/home/register
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : MaliJuice595
Password          : Amalakyi7
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : username
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 5/21/2021 9:36:56 AM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\amala\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://web.roblox.com/my/account
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : kilal41970@awinceo.com
Password          : Amalakyi5
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : userInfo.emailAddress
Password Field    : userInfo.password
Created Time      : 6/23/2021 11:45:31 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\amala\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://workspace.google.com/signup/businessstarter/accountandrecaptcha
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : hey_there
Password          : Amalakyi8
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : 
Password Field    : 
Created Time      : 6/13/2021 7:29:01 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\amala\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://www.amazon.ca/ap/register
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : kilal41970@awinceo.com
Password          : Amalakyi7
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : email
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 6/23/2021 9:15:16 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\amala\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://www.amazon.com/ap/register
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : amalakyi2006@gmail.com
Password          : Amalakyi7
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : email
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 6/23/2021 7:24:56 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\amala\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://www.amazon.com/ap/register
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : A'Malakyi
Password          : Amalakyi7
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : customerName
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 6/23/2021 7:23:19 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\amala\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://www.disneyplus.com/login/password
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : 
Password          : deane1114
Password Strength : Medium
User Name Field   : 
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 6/13/2021 5:52:48 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\amala\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://www.duda.co/signup
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : amalakyie0327@gmail.com
Password          : Amalakyi7
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : userName
Password Field    : pwd
Created Time      : 6/9/2021 2:51:42 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\amala\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://www.joinhoney.com/welcome
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : amalakyie0327@gmail.com
Password          : Amalakyi8$
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : email-auth-web-welcome
Password Field    : pwd-auth-web-welcome
Created Time      : 6/23/2021 3:07:47 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\amala\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://www.roblox.com/
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : adasd232323
Password          : dadasdasd
Password Strength : Medium
User Name Field   : signupUsername
Password Field    : signupPassword
Created Time      : 6/23/2021 11:20:40 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\amala\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://www.roblox.com/account/signupredir
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : bfgfg22222
Password          : wggggghyhhhh
Password Strength : Medium
User Name Field   : signupUsername
Password Field    : signupPassword
Created Time      : 5/11/2021 6:43:06 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\amala\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://www.roblox.com/account/signupredir
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : aaaaaaaaafghje
Password          : 111111111
Password Strength : Very Weak
User Name Field   : signupUsername
Password Field    : signupPassword
Created Time      : 5/7/2021 11:53:12 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\amala\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://www.roblox.com/login
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : Malijuice595
Password          : Amalakyi8$
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : username
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 7/2/2021 11:49:27 AM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\amala\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://www.target.com/co-login
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : amalakyie0327@gmail.com
Password          : Amalakyi8
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : usernamecreateaccount
Password Field    : passwordcreateaccount
Created Time      : 6/24/2021 4:31:46 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\amala\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://www.walmart.com/checkout/
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : Eggleston
Password          : Amalakyi8
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : lastName
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 6/24/2021 4:17:17 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\amala\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://www.walmart.com/checkout/
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : amalakyie0327@gmail.com
Password          : Amalakyi8
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : email
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                                              ░             ░  ░       ░     ░     ░   ░ ░    

Brandy Lynn Conner
Randy Keith Conner
Charity F Conner
Lester Wood
Linda Juanita Conner
Charles Lee Conner
Rita Arrowood Conner
Barbara A Conner
Mary Ellis Bivens
Megan Renee Conner
William Charles Bivens
William C Bivens Jr
Randy William Conner
Charles L Conner
Jamie Lyn Conner
Michael Paul Conner
Kathy D Conner
Linda H Conner
Mickey Devon Conner
Debra K Cavender

little brother:https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=133841924633256&set=ecnf.100040223470577

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                                 ░  ░ ░       ░  ░  ░    ░ ░      ░ ░      ░  

Prefix	First Name	Last Name	Grade(s)	Subject Area	E-mail Address
Sr.	Darryl	Adams	7	Language Acquisition (Spanish)	dadadams@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mr.	Ibad	Ahmad	7-8	Paraprofessional	ibad.ahmad@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mr.	Matthew	Alley	Connections	Connections	Matthew.Alley@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Brenda	Anderson	7	Inclusion (IRR)	brenda.anderson@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Sophie	Archer	7	Inclusion (LL)	sophie.archer@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mr.	Rodriguez	Arnold	Connections	Physical Health Education	rodriguez.arnold@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Sra.	Leonela	Bareno	6	Language Acquisition (Spanish)	leonela.bareno@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mr.	Vincent	Barnes	Connections	Physical Health Education	vincent.barnes@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Robin	Baskerville	Nurse-7/8	Nurse	rmbaskerville@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Fannie	Bennett	8	Science	fpbennett@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Curlese	Benson	8	Language & Literature	curlese.benson@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mr.	Virgil	Beshea	Facilities	Facilities: Northside	vbeshea@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Barbara	Bieniemy	Administration	Program Administrator: 6th	bbieniemy@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Ingrid	Blum	6	Inclusion (LL)	blumi@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Dona	Bredwood	6	Mathematics	drbredwood@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Tamika	Brown	6	Mathematics	Tamika.Brown@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Summer	Bullock	6	Lang. & Lit. (ELA) / Ind. & Soc. (Soc. Studies)	summer.bullock@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Michika	Burch	8	Individuals & Societies (Social Studies)	mpburch@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Melanie	Burdis	6	Language & Literature (ELA)	mxburdis@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Kionna	Burgess	Connections	Arts: Dance	kionna.burgess@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Jennifer	Cappelli	Administration	Assistant Principal: Curriculum & Instruction	jcappelli@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Courtney	Casso	6	Language & Literature (ELA)	courtney.casso@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Crystal	Caston	6	Inclusion: Special Education Lead Teacher	crystal.caston@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Sherry	Claiborne	6	Language & Literature (ELA)	sherry.claiborne@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mr.	Greg	Clark	8	Inclusion (LL)	gregory.clark@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Danielle	Cogbill	7	Inclusion: Special Education Lead Teacher	iris.cogbill@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Paige	Coll	7	Language & Literature (ELA)	nichole.coll@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Kelly	Conner	6	Individuals & Societies (Social Studies)	kconner@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Angela	Cornelius	6	IRR	angela.cornelius@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Brandie	Crump	7	Language and Literature	Brandie.Crump@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Sra.	Rita	Cruz	7	Language Acquisition (Spanish)	rcruz@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mr.	John	DeBoe	7	Mathematics	john.deboe@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Nina	Dimitrova	Clerical	Records	nina.dimitrova@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mr.	Ravenell	Dupree	6-8	Health and Physical Education	Ravenell.Dupree@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Betty	Edouard	8	Lang. & Lit. (ELA) / Ind. & Soc. (Soc. Studies)	betty.edouard@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mr.	Antoine	Edwards	7	Language & Literature (Reading)	antoine.edwards@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Dr.	Billie	Edwards-Rucker	7	Individuals & Societies (Social Studies)	biedwards@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Caitlin	Eley	7	Language & Literature (ELA)	sarah.eley@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mr.	Michael	Ero	8	Inclussion (IRR)	michael.ero@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Amanda	Fielder	Administration	School Business Manager	afielder@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Briian	Fife	7	Science	btfife@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Jessica	Friedman	6-8	Inclusion (IRR)	jessica.friedman@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mr.	Kira	Fritsche	6	Mathematics / Science	kira.fritsche@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Sr.	Raphael	Fuentes-Garcia	6	Language Acquisition (Spanish)	rfgarcia@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Connie	Gadziala	7	Inclusion (IRR)	connie.gadziala@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Santrella	Garrett	8	Individuals & Societies (Social Studies)	santrella.garrett@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Sra.	Gloria	Garzon	8	Language Acquisition (Spanish)	ggarzon@atlanta.k12.ga.us
M.	Donald	Gervais	6	Language Acquisition (French)	dgervais@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Sabrina	Gibbs	7	Individuals & Societies	sabrina.gibbs@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Carrie	Gibbs	7-8	Media Center Paraprofessional: 7th/8th	carrie.gibbs@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Dr.	Amaesha	Gibson	7	Mathematics	amaesha.gibson@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Sydney	Haag	7	Individuals and Societies/Language and Literature	Sydney.Haag@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mr.	Micah	Hall	6-8	AVTF	Micah.Hall@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Markeshia	Henderson	7	Language and Literature	Markeshia.Henders@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Felicia	Henderson	6	Individuals & Societies (Social Studies): 6th	fmhenderson@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Celeste	Hentz	6	Inclusion (LL)	celeste.hentz@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mme.	Anne	Holzhausen	7	Language Acquisition (French)	anne.holzhausen@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mr.	Shevan	Howard	8	Assistant Principal	shhoward@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Denise	Huewitt	Connections	Arts: Orchestra & General Music	dhuewitt@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mr.	Kylus	Jackson	Instructional Support	Paraprofessional	Kylus.Jackson@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mr.	Nicholas	Johnson	6-8	Fine Arts	Nicholas.Johnson@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Gail	Johnson	Administration	Principal	gail.johnson@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Charneka	Jones	8	Language & Literature (ELA)	charneka.jones@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Tomeka	Jones	8	Science	tomeka.jones@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Ava	Jones	8	Mathematics / Science	ava.jones@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Alisha	Jones-Caldwell	8	Inclusion: Special Education Lead Teacher	alisha.jonescaldw@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Channelle	Joseph	8	Counselor	channelle.joseph@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Dr.	Christian	Kemp	7	IRR-Science	Christian.Kemp@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Lisa	Kepler	7	Lang. & Lit. (ELA) / Ind. & Soc. (Soc. Studies)	lkepler@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mr.	Rashad	Khatib	7	Science	elijah.khatib@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Reina	Kinjo	8	Individuals & Societies (Social Studies)	reina.kinjo@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Dianne	Kiser	7	Science	teresa.kiser@atlanta.k12.ga.us
M.	Benjamin	Kra	8	Language Acquisition (French)	bkra@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Giselle	Kurth	6	ESOL	Giselle.Kurth@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Anna	LaCavera	8	Language and Literature	Anna.Lacavera@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mr.	De'Markius	Lamar	6	Mathematics	demarkius.lamar@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Jerrika	Leslie	6		jerrika.leslie@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mr.	Dan	Lloyd	8	Language & Literature (ELA)	dlloyd@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mr.	Donald	Mack	8	Inclusion (IRR)	donald.mack@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Brenda	Madison	6	Mathematics	brenda.madison@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Marcella	Marcus	6	Media Center Paraprofessional: 6th	marcella.marcus@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mr.	Daniel	Mathieu	6-8	School Social Worker	daniel.mathieu@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Elizabeth	McCarthy	Clerical	Data	emccarthy@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mr.	Roger	McLin	Paraprofessional	Autism	rogermclinjr@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mr.	Dominique	Merriweather	Administration	Assistant Principal: 7th	dominique.merriwe@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Jackie	Middlebrooks	Clerical	Bookkeeper	jamiddlebrooks@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Dr.	Nardiann	Mighty	Administration	Assistant Principal: Student Services	namighty@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mr.	Damian	Miller	6	Individuals & Societies (Social Studies)	damian.miller@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Ana	Millet	6-8	Inclusion (IRR)	ana.millet@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Rosemary	Mills	Connections	Physical Health Education	romills@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Colette	Minnifield		MYP Coordinator	Colette.Minnifiel@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Deirdre	Mitchell	8	IRR-Science	Deirdre.Mitchell@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Shanta	Morgan	Clerical	Main Office: 6th	shanta.morgan@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mr.	Troy	Mosley	8	Mathematics	tamosley@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Melissa	Mulvey	8	Inclusion (IRR)	melissa.mulvey@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Dorcas	Muwandi	7	Inclusion (IRR)	dmuwandi@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Amanda	Myrick	8	Individuals and Societies	Amanda.Myrick@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mr.	Jimison	Nelson	6	Inclusion (IRR)	jlnelson@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Rachel	Nicholson	Connections	Arts: Digital Arts	rachel.nicholson@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mr.	Winston	Oliver	Facilities	Facilities: Powers Ferry	oliverw@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Raven	Owen-Beyer	Connections	Arts: Theatre Arts	raven.owenbeyer@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Dr.	Tenechia	Owens	8	Mathematics	tplatt@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Maura	Pannier	8	Counselor	Maura.Pannier@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Cheryl	Pappy	7	ESOL	Cheryl.Pappy@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mr.	Evan	Pettyjohn	Connections	Physical Health Education	walker.pettyjohn@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mme.	Diana	Pierre-Louis	6	Language Acquisition (French)	dlouis@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Kelsey	Pitts	Instructional Support	Paraprofessional	klpitts@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Bonnie	Powe (née Lee)	6	Science	bolee@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Dawnitra	Quigley	8	Mathematics	dawnitra.quigley@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Nicole	Reed	Clerical	Main Office: 7th & 8th	nicole.reed@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Shelly	Riddle	7	Mathematics	sriddle@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Kamille	Rigsby	8	ESOL	Kamille.Rigsby@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mr.	Timothy	Robinson	Administration	Assistant Principal: 6th	trobinson@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Rebecca	Rodriguez	6	Counselor (Student last name A-L)	Rebecca.Rodriguez@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Gladys	Rodriguez	6-8	Bi-lingual Parent Liason	gladys.rodriguez@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Shatara	Ross	7	Science	shatara.ross@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Catherine	Rossi	8	Science	catherine.rossi@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	April	Rouser	6	Science	april.rouser@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Corrie	Rovak	6-8	Parent Liaison	corrie.rovak@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Dr.	June	Scarbough	6	Language & Literature (ELA)	jscarbough@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Risa	Schaber	6	Inclusion (IRR)	rschaber@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Chantell	Scriven	Connections	Arts: Band & General Music	chantell.scriven@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Holly	Seddon	Connections	Arts: Visual Art	holly.seddon@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mr.	Alexander	Sedita	7	Individuals and Societies	alexander.sedita@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mr.	Tariq	Sewell	Connections	Physical Health Education	tsewell@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Yolanda	Shamplain	Connections	Design: Business & Computer Science	yshamplain@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mr.	Omar	Sillah	7	Mathematics	omar.sillah@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Trisha	Slaughter	7	Counselor	tslaughter@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mr.	Kenneth	Smith	7	Mathematics	kwsmith@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Lindsey	Smith	7	Inclusion (IRR)	lindsey.smith@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mr.	Bruce	Spicer	7	IRR	Bruce.Spicer@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Kyle	Standriff	Connections	Physical Health Education	kyle.standriff@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Trisha	Stephenson	6	Science	trisha.stephenson@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Amy	Stevenson	8	Mathematics	astevenson@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Nurse	Mary Catherine	Sutherland	6	Nurse	mary.sutherland@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mr.	Chris	Thornton	6	Science	chris.thornton@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Laquita	Tilley	Instructional Support	Paraprofessional	ltilley@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mr.	Israel	Vance	Administration	Language Aquisition	ivance@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Olivia	Vazquez	6	Individuals and Societies	Olivia.Vasquez@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Elizabeth	Vuckovic	7	Science	evuckovic@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mr.	Robert	Weatherly	7	Individuals & Societies (Social Studies)	robert.weatherly@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Memee	White	6	Inclusion (IRR)	memee.white@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Demyia	Williams	8	Language & Literature (Reading)	demwilliams@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Ms.	Sonya	Williams	Records	Main Office: 6th	sxwilliams@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mr.	William	Wright	Instructional Support	Paraprofessional	wwright@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mme.	Kim	Zemmali	7	Language Acquisition (French)	kzemmali@atlanta.k12.ga.us


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Ms. Gail Johnson, EdS
Principal Gail Johnson Gail Johnson is originally from Philadelphia, PA, but has lived in the Atlanta area for over 20 years. She has an undergraduate degree in Secondary English Education from Temple University as well as Master’s and Specialist degrees in Educational Leadership from Kennesaw State University. With over 30 years in education, Gail’s teaching career includes experiences in elementary, middle and high school teaching English Language Arts and related subjects. Gail has served as an Assistant Principal and Principal in a variety of school settings representing diverse student populations.  Sutton Middle School is the third school she has led and the fourth International Baccalaureate World School in which she has worked. Gail has a number of specialized certificates in leadership including Category II Heads of School through the International Baccalaureate Organization, Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP), and  Recognized School Counseling ASCA Model Programs (RAMP). Gail is the proud mom of Megan, a graduate of the University of South Carolina! Follow Gail @SuttonPrincipal on Twitter to keep up with daily Sutton news!
Ms. Johnson's IB Learner Profile attribute is:
RISK-TAKER: Cougars approach uncertainty with forethought and determination; we work independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas and innovative strategies. Cougars are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and change.
The IB Learner Profile attribute she is striving towards is:
BALANCED: Cougars understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives— intellectual, physical, and emotional—to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. Cougars recognize our interdependence with other people and with the world in which we live.
Ms. Barbara Bieniemy
Eighth Grade Assistant Principal
Mrs. Bieniemy Mrs. Bieniemy is a seasoned educator with years of experience exclusively at the middle school level.  Mrs. Bieniemy has held several positions during her tenure as a middle school educator. She has been a middle School Science Teacher, Instructional Coach, Numeracy Coach, Science Cadre Specialist, New Teacher Mentor/Assessor and Assistant Principal. Her educational background consists of a Bachelor of Science Degree in Speech Language Pathology with a minor in Elementary Education. She also possesses two Masters of Arts Degrees. One is in Curriculum and Instruction and the other was earned in Educational Leadership. Mrs. Bieniemy is All But Dissertation (ABD) in the area of Administration of Teaching and Learning. Follow Mrs. Bieniemy on Twitter @Sutton6thGrade!
Ms. Bieniemy's IB Learner Profile attribute is:

The IB Learner Profile attribute she is striving towards is:


Mrs. Jennifer Cappelli
Sixth Grade Assistant Principal
Curriculum Assistant Principal Jennifer Cappelli 
Mrs. Jennifer Cappelli grew up in Rhode Island before attending Wagner College in New York City, where she obtained her Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry. After graduating, she relocated to Atlanta as a Teach for America Corps member. Mrs. Cappelli earned her teaching certification from Georgia State University and a Masters of Education in Educational Leadership from Columbia University. Prior to becoming Sutton's Curriculum Assistant Principal, Mrs. Cappelli taught Chemisty and Forensic Science at South Atlanta High School and she served as King Middle School's Science Instructional Coach. Mrs. Cappelli and her husband live in the city with their two beautiful children: Logan and Amelia. Mrs. Cappelli loves planning events, being crafty, and baking yummy treats! Recently, she has been teaching herself how to decorate cakes. Follow Mrs. Cappelli on Twitter @suttoncougarsAP!
Ms. Cappelli's IB Learner Profile attribute is:
THINKER: Cougars use critical and creative thinking skills to analyse and take responsible action on complex problems. Cougars exercise initiative in making reasoned, ethical decisions.
The IB Learner Profile attribute she is striving towards is:
BALANCED: Cougars understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives— intellectual, physical, and emotional—to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. Cougars recognize our interdependence with other people and with the world in which we live. 
Dr. Nardiann Mighty
Sixth Grade Assistant Principal
Student Services Assistant Principal Dr. Mighty 
Dr. Mighty grew up in Port St. Lucie, Florida, and moved to Atlanta in 2002. She is a proud Florida State University alum, where she obtained her Bachelor of Science degree. Dr. Mighty also holds a Master of Science degree, from Troy University, and a Doctor of Education degree in Administrator Leadership from Walden University. Dr. Mighty taught high school math for nine years, and she has also served as an instructional coach, intervention specialist, and worked at the district and State levels. As she considers herself to be quite the foodie, you might catch Dr. Mighty out trying a new restaurant or visiting an old favorite. Dr. Mighty also has a pomeranian named Bam Bam. Follow Dr. Mighty on Twitter @DrMightyN!
Dr. Mighty's IB Learner Profile attribute is:
COMMUNICATOR: Cougars express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways. Cougars collaborate effectively, listening carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and groups.
The IB Learner Profile attribute she is striving towards is:
BALANCED: Cougars understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives— intellectual, physical, and emotional—to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. Cougars recognize our interdependence with other people and with the world in which we live. 
Mr. Timothy Robinson
Seventh Grade Assistant Principal
Mr. Robinson's IB Learner Profile attribute is:

The IB Learner Profile attribute he is striving towards is:


Dr. Dominique Merriweather
Seventh Grade Assistant Principal
Mr. Merriweather, 7th Grade Assistant Principal 
Dr. Dominique Merriweather is a proud native of Atlanta, Georgia. Growing up, he attended Fulton County Schools. Dr. Merriweather obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from Morehouse College, a Master’s degree of Education in Curriculum and Instruction from Columbus State University, and an Educational Specialist degree in Educational Leadership from Valdosta State University. Additionally, Dr. Merriweather received his doctoral degree in Educational Leadership from Liberty University. During his career in education, Dr. Merriweather has served in a variety of instructional and leadership roles. With an extensive background in literacy, prior to serving as an Assistant Principal, Dr. Merriweather served as a School Improvement Coach with a focus on literacy. Prior to this role, he served as an ELA general education teacher, ELA department chair, and former special education teacher. Outside of school, Dr. Merriweather enjoys spending time with family, traveling to different countries, hiking, whitewater rafting, and reading suspense novels. His favorite novel is “The First Lady” by James Patterson. Follow Dr. Merriweather on Twitter @MerriweatherEDU.


Dr. Merriweather's IB Learner Profile attribute is:
REFLECTIVE:  Cougars thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and experience. Cougars work to understand our strengths and weaknesses in order to support our learning and personal development.
The IB Learner Profile attribute he is striving towards is:
RISK-TAKER: Cougars approach uncertainty with forethought and determination; we work independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas and innovative strategies. Cougars are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and change.
Mr. Shevan Howard, Ed.S.
Eighth Grade Assistant Principal
Mr. Shevan Howard, originally from Jamaica, grew up in Miami, FL and moved to Atlanta after graduating university. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in Decision and Information Science from the University of Florida and a Master of Art in Middle Grades Education from Clark Atlanta University. He holds a Specialist in Educational Leadership, and he is a current doctoral candidate (ABD) in Educational Leadership, both at Georgia State University. Before serving as an assistant principal at Sutton, he served as the assistant principal and interim principal at John Lewis Invictus Academy. Additionally, Mr. Shevan Howard is a former IB Coordinator and math teacher. Mr. Shevan Howard enjoys traveling and working out at the gym. Follow Mr. Howard on Twitter @APHoward_Sutton!
Mr. Howard's IB Learner Profile attribute is:
PRINCIPLED: Cougars act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness and justice, and with respect for the dignity and rights of people everywhere. We take responsibility for our actions and their consequences.

The IB Learner Profile attribute he is striving towards is:
BALANCE: Cougars understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives— intellectual, physical, and emotional—to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. Cougars recognize our interdependence with other people and with the world in which we live.


Ms. Amanda Fielder
School Business Manager
Fielder Amanda Fielder is a native of Michigan who moved to Atlanta after college. She obtained Bachelors of Arts degrees in History and English from Western Michigan University, a Master of Arts degree in Instruction from Central Michigan University, and a Master of Arts degree in American History from Ashland University. Over the course of her career, Amanda has taught Language Arts and Social Studies at each of the three middle school grade levels; she taught Georgia Studies, a course she loves with all of her heart, for a decade. Amanda has also served as Sutton's Athletic Director, Individuals and Societies (Social Studies) Department Chair, gifted contact, and as a founding member of Sutton's GO Team. Taking advantage of all the cultural and entertainment events Atlanta has to offer, you might find her at professional or college sporting events, concerts, or stage performances. As someone who loves to travel, it's not uncommon to run into her at Hartsfield-Jackson! Follow Amanda on Twitter @smsfielder!
Ms. Fielder's IB Learner Profile attribute is:
COMMUNICATOR: Cougars express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways. Cougars collaborate effectively, listening carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and groups.
The IB Learner Profile attribute she is striving towards is:
BALANCED: Cougars understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives— intellectual, physical, and emotional—to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. Cougars recognize our interdependence with other people and with the world in which we live.

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County Manager's Office
Dr. Jackie R. McMorris, County Manager
100 Cherokee St
Marietta, GA 30090
(770) 528-2600

About the County Manager
picture of Dr. Jackie McMorris
Dr. Jackie McMorris has a Bachelor’s Degree in Mass Communication from Rust College and a Master’s degree from Auburn University in Speech Communication with an emphasis in Human Resources & Organizational Development. She earned a doctorate degree from the University of Arkansas in Adult Education, Training and Development, with an emphasis on Transformational Leadership and Organizational Change. Dr. McMorris has over 15 years of experience in higher education and served in various academic and leadership/administrative roles.

Dr. McMorris’s governmental work experience includes over 15 years of experience having worked for Cherokee County Government as the Agency Director for Community Services and Special Assistant to the County Manager. She also served as the Chief of Staff for the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office before coming to Cobb as the Public Services Director in 2013. In October 2017, she became Cobb County’s first Deputy County Manager. In March of 2020, the Board of Commissioners appointed her as County Manager.

Dr. McMorris works collaboratively with the Board of Commissioners, public/private partners, community and business leaders, department and agency directors, as well as our employees. She oversees daily operations of the County, coordinates special events and external affairs, and is the county’s official lobbyist during the legislative session.

Dr. McMorris values professional development, transformational leadership, and is a certified John Maxwell trainer, speaker, and coach. 

About the Deputy County Manager
James (Jimmy) Gisi has a Bachelor’s Degree in Recreation and Leisure Studies from the University of Georgia and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from Valdosta State University.  He has over 30 years of government management experience in Alma-Bacon County, Camden County and his most recent stint as the Director of Cobb PARKS.  Gisi also served as the Executive Director of the non-profit Georgia Recreation and Park Association for 9 years.

headshot of Jimmy Gisi
 Gisi has been a frequent instructor for the Carl Vinson Institute of Government at both the Georgia Municipal Association and Association of County Commissioners of Georgia conferences on a range of topics involving recreation management.  He has also taught classes at state, regional and national conferences on various topics.

“Jimmy has worked for the county in various capacities and always stands ready and willing to help anytime we need his assistance,” said County Manager Dr. Jackie McMorris. “His experience working in parks and recreation, as well as government services and legislation, is going to be a great asset to help move the county forward for generations to come.”

As Deputy County Manager, Gisi works in support of the County Manager’s office supporting select departments and initiatives.  He has oversight of the county’s SPLOST programs and serves as the county’s official state lobbyist.

A longtime resident of Cobb County, Gisi resides in Powder Springs with his wife, Angela. His two married daughters also live local along with his four grandsons.  Any and all spare time is spent spoiling them any way possible.

Cobb County's Mission:
To make Cobb County the best place to live and work through an efficient, effective and responsive government that delivers quality services.

We were both honored and challenged when an Atlanta Journal-Constitution poll of metro business and government leaders found that Cobb County was "best in delivering government services."

After all, this is a growing county, already Georgia's third-largest. This means the Cobb management team must continually fine-tune methods and raise standards to preserve the high service level our taxpayers expect and deserve.

So, in keeping with this philosophy, we're pleased to present the Cobb County Government Web site. It's our hope it will serve as a convenient and useful resource of information about this showcase community.

For example, Cobb's water department is considered the best in the nation, our roads program is a regional model, our financial strength ranks Cobb among the nation's top one percent of all counties...and the list goes on.

Certainly, these are points of pride. But they're also challenges we're working hard to meet.

100 Cherokee Street
Marietta, GA 30090
(770) 528-3300

Lisa Cupid, Commission Chairwoman 
(770) 528-3305 
(770) 528-2606 (Fax)

Keli Gambrill, District 1 Commissioner
(770) 528-3313
(770) 528-2606 (Fax)

Jerica Richardson, District 2 Commissioner
(770) 528-3316
(770) 528-2606 (Fax)

JoAnn Birrell, District 3 Commissioner
(770) 528-3317
(770) 528-2606 (Fax)

Monique Sheffield, District 4 Commissioner
(770) 528-3312
(770) 528-2606 (Fax)

General Contact Info
Pamela L. Mabry, County Clerk 
100 Cherokee Street, Suite 355 
Marietta, GA 30090


(770) 528-3307
(770) 528-3325 (Fax)


Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

County Information Line
(770) 528-1000


General Contact Info
100 Cherokee Street
Marietta, GA 30090

Cobb SPLOST 2016
(770) 528-1000

Cobb SPLOST 2011
(770) 528-1621

Subscribe to County Newsletters
Cobb County Board of Commissioners
100 Cherokee Street
Marietta, GA 30090
(770) 528-3300

Dr. Jackie McMorris, County Manager
(770) 528-2600
(770) 528-2606 (Fax)

Lisa Cupid, Commission Chairwoman 
(770) 528-3305 
(770) 528-2606 (Fax)

Keli Gambrill, District 1 Commissioner
(770) 528-3313
(770) 528-2606 (Fax)

Jerica Richardson, District 2 Commissioner
(770) 528-3316
(770) 528-2606 (Fax)

JoAnn K. Birrell, District 3 Commissioner
(770) 528-3317
(770) 528-2606 (Fax)

Monique Sheffield, District 4 Commissioner
(770) 528-3312
(770) 528-2606 (Fax)

Municipality	Allocated Funds
Acworth	$13,323,141
Austell	$4,672,186
Kennesaw	$22,107,998
Marietta	$44,799,421
Powder Springs	$10,678,598
Smyrna	$33,934,318


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