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                                                                    1.: Reason  
                                                                    2.: Personal Info
                                                                    3.: Social Media
                                                                    4.: Final Notes
                                                                    5.: Credits      


	→ root
                        						Victim ???? Rellyion
                              Hello here,this paste is about rellyion, a shitty egotistical discordian who sits online all day talking about his "god settings" in which he uses to "blaze people!" online.							


	→ root/ranbyinfosec/personal

→ Name: Rellyion Woodruff
→ Age: 15                                                                                                                                
→ Gender: Male
→ Address: 725 Franklin Street, Philadelphia, PA                                                                                                                                                             ░░░░░░▄▄▄▄▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▄▄▄▄▄▄▄                                                                   
→ Computer Name: TOKYOGODRELLYPC                                                                                                                                                                             ░░░░░█░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▀▀▄
→ Computer OS: Microsoft Windows 11 Home                                                                                                                                                                     ░░░░█░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█
→ Total Memory: 16 GB                                                                                                                                                                                        ░░░█░░░░░░▄██▀▄▄░░░░░▄▄▄░░░░█
→ HWID: 0CFCDEBF-F267-8E4C-B89D-F8ED41C96630                                                                                                                                                                 ░▄▀░▄▄▄░░█▀▀▀▀▄▄█░░░██▄▄█░░░░█
→ CPU: Intel64 Family 6 Model 154 Stepping 3, GenuineIntel                                                                                                                                                   █░░█░▄░▀▄▄▄▀░░░░░░░░█░░░░░░░░░█
→ GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti Laptop GPU                                                                                                                                                                 █░░█░█▀▄▄░░░░░█▀░░░░▀▄░░▄▀▀▀▄░█                                                                                                                                                                          
→ Product Key: H2FN2-F294C-GWT3W-JPDF7-HXMWW                                                                                                                                                                 ░█░▀▄░█▄░█▀▄▄░▀░▀▀░▄▄▀░░░░█░░█
→ IP:                                                                                                                                                                                           ░░█░░░▀▄▀█▄▄░█▀▀▀▄▄▄▄▀▀█▀██░█ 
→ Region: Pennsylvania                                                                                                                                                                                       ░░░█░░░░██░░▀█▄▄▄█▄▄█▄▄██▄░░█
→ Country: United States                                                                                                                                                                                     ░░░░█░░░░▀▀▄░█░░░█░█▀█▀█▀██░█ 
→ Timezone: America/New_York                                                                                                                                                                                 ░░░░░▀▄░░░░░▀▀▄▄▄█▄█▄█▄█▄▀░░█ 
→ Cellular Network: N/A                                                                                                                                                                                      ░░▐▌░█░░░░▀▀▄▄░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█
→ Proxy/VPN: N/A                                                                                                                                                                                             ░░░█▐▌░░░░░░█░▀▄▄▄▄▄░░░░░░░░█ 
→ Reverse DNS: c-71-58-94-222.hsd1.pa.comcast.net                                                                                                                                                            ░░███░░░░░▄▄█░▄▄░██▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▀
→ Emails:                                                                                                                                                                                                    ░▐████░░▄▀█▀█▄▄▄▄▄█▀▄▀▄ 
 - rellyionmaname@gmail.com                                                                                                                                                                                  ░░█░░▌░█░░█░░█░░░█░░█░░█
 - rellyionwoodruff@gmail.com                                                                                                                                                                                ░░█░░▀▀░░██░░█░░░█░░█░░█ 
→ Email used on most websites:                                                                                                                                                                               ░░░░░░░░░░█░░░░▄░░▄██▄▄▀                                                          
rellyionwoodruff@gmail.com sites used on:                                                                                                                                                                    ░░░░░░░░░░█░░░░▄░░████ 
→ Websites Registeried on:                                                                                                                                                                                   ░░░░░░░░░░░█▀▀░▄░▀▀█
******************************                                                                                                                                                                               ░░░░░░░░░░░█░░░▐░░░█
   rellyionwoodruff@gmail.com                                                                                                                                                                                ░░░░░░░░░░░█░░░▐░░░█  
******************************                                                                                                                                                                               ░░░░░░░░░░░█░░░▐░░░█
[x] about.me                                                                                                                                                                                                 ░░░░░░░░░░░█▄▄▄▐▄▄▄█   
[-] adobe.com                                                                                                                                                                                                ░░░░░░░▄▄▄▄▀▄▄▀█▀▄▄▀▄▄▄▄
[-] amazon.com                                                                                                                                                                                               ░░░░░▄▀▄░▄░▄░░░█░░░▄░▄░▄▀▄
[x] amocrm.com                                                                                                                                                                                               ░░░░░█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▀▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█
[-] any.do
[-] archive.org
[-] armurerie-auxerre.com
[x] atlassian.com
[-] axonaut.com
[x] babeshows.co.uk
[x] badeggsonline.com
[x] bios-mods.com
[x] biotechnologyforums.com
[x] bitmoji.com
[x] blablacar.com
[x] blackworldforum.com
[x] blip.fm
[x] forum.blitzortung.org
[x] bluegrassrivals.com
[-] bodybuilding.com
[x] buymeacoffee.com
[x] discussion.cambridge-mt.com
[-] caringbridge.org
[x] chinaphonearena.com
[x] clashfarmer.com
[x] codecademy.com
[x] forum.codeigniter.com
[x] codepen.io
[-] coroflot.com
[x] cpaelites.com
[x] cpahero.com
[x] cracked.to
[x] crevado.com
[-] deliveroo.com
[x] demonforums.net
[-] devrant.com
[-] diigo.com
[+] discord.com
[-] docker.com
[x] dominos.fr
[x] ebay.com
[x] ello.co
[-] envato.com
[-] eventbrite.com
[-] evernote.com
[-] fanpop.com
[-] firefox.com
[-] flickr.com
[-] freelancer.com
[x] drachenhort.user.stunet.tu-freiberg.de
[x] garmin.com
[-] github.com
[x] google.com
[-] en.gravatar.com
[-] hubspot.com
[-] imgur.com
[-] insightly.com
[-] instagram.com
[x] issuu.com
[x] forum.kodi.tv
[-] komoot.com
[-] laposte.fr
[-] last.fm
[-] lastpass.com
[-] mail.ru
[x] community.mybb.com
[x] myspace.com
[x] nattyornotforum.nattyornot.com
[-] naturabuy.fr
[x] forum.ndemiccreations.com
[x] forums.nextpvr.com
[-] nike.com
[-] nimble.com
[-] nocrm.io
[x] nutshell.com
[x] ok.ru
[-] office365.com
[x] onlinesequencer.net
[-] parler.com
[x] patreon.com
[-] pinterest.com
[x] pipedrive.com
[-] plurk.com
[-] pornhub.com
[-] protonmail.ch
[-] quora.com
[-] rambler.ru
[x] redtube.com
[+] replit.com
[x] rocketreach.co
[x] samsung.com
[-] seoclerks.com
[-] 7cups.com
[x] smule.com
[x] snapchat.com
[x] soundcloud.com
[-] sporcle.com
[-] spotify.com
[-] strava.com
[-] taringa.net
[x] teamleader.eu
[-] teamtreehouse.com
[-] tellonym.me
[x] thecardboard.org
[x] forums.therian-guide.com
[x] thevapingforum.com
[x] tumblr.com
[x] tunefind.com
[-] twitter.com
[x] venmo.com
[x] vivino.com
[-] voxmedia.com
[-] vrbo.com
[x] vsco.co
[-] wattpad.com
[-] wordpress.com
[-] xing.com
[-] xnxx.com
[-] xvideos.com
[-] yahoo.com
[-] zoho.com

[+] Email used, [-] Email not used, [x] Rate limit
121 websites checked in 6.42 seconds.

rellyionmaname@gmail.com sites used on: 

[x] about.me
[-] adobe.com
[-] amazon.com
[x] amocrm.com
[-] any.do
[-] archive.org
[-] armurerie-auxerre.com
[x] atlassian.com
[-] axonaut.com
[x] babeshows.co.uk
[x] badeggsonline.com
[x] bios-mods.com
[x] biotechnologyforums.com
[x] bitmoji.com
[x] blablacar.com
[x] blackworldforum.com
[x] blip.fm
[x] forum.blitzortung.org
[x] bluegrassrivals.com
[-] bodybuilding.com
[x] buymeacoffee.com
[x] discussion.cambridge-mt.com
[-] caringbridge.org
[x] chinaphonearena.com
[x] clashfarmer.com
[x] codecademy.com
[x] forum.codeigniter.com
[x] codepen.io
[-] coroflot.com
[x] cpaelites.com
[x] cpahero.com
[x] cracked.to
[x] crevado.com
[-] deliveroo.com
[x] demonforums.net
[-] devrant.com
[-] diigo.com
[+] discord.com
[-] docker.com
[x] dominos.fr
[x] ebay.com
[x] ello.co
[-] envato.com
[-] eventbrite.com
[-] evernote.com
[-] fanpop.com
[-] firefox.com
[-] flickr.com
[-] freelancer.com
[x] drachenhort.user.stunet.tu-freiberg.de
[x] garmin.com
[-] github.com
[x] google.com
[-] en.gravatar.com
[-] hubspot.com
[-] imgur.com
[-] insightly.com
[-] instagram.com
[x] issuu.com
[x] forum.kodi.tv
[-] komoot.com
[-] laposte.fr
[-] last.fm
[-] lastpass.com
[-] mail.ru
[x] community.mybb.com
[x] myspace.com
[x] nattyornotforum.nattyornot.com
[-] naturabuy.fr
[x] forum.ndemiccreations.com
[x] forums.nextpvr.com
[-] nike.com
[x] nimble.com
[-] nocrm.io
[x] nutshell.com
[x] ok.ru
[-] office365.com
[x] onlinesequencer.net
[-] parler.com
[x] patreon.com
[-] pinterest.com
[x] pipedrive.com
[-] plurk.com
[-] pornhub.com
[-] protonmail.ch
[-] quora.com
[-] rambler.ru
[x] redtube.com
[-] replit.com
[x] rocketreach.co
[x] samsung.com
[-] seoclerks.com
[-] 7cups.com
[x] smule.com
[x] snapchat.com
[x] soundcloud.com
[-] sporcle.com
[-] spotify.com
[-] strava.com
[-] taringa.net
[x] teamleader.eu
[-] teamtreehouse.com
[-] tellonym.me
[x] thecardboard.org
[x] forums.therian-guide.com
[x] thevapingforum.com
[x] tumblr.com
[x] tunefind.com
[-] twitter.com
[x] venmo.com
[x] vivino.com
[-] voxmedia.com
[-] vrbo.com
[x] vsco.co
[-] wattpad.com
[-] wordpress.com
[-] xing.com
[-] xnxx.com
[-] xvideos.com
[-] yahoo.com
[-] zoho.com

[+] Email used, [-] Email not used, [x] Rate limit
121 websites checked in 5.57 seconds


	→ root/ranbyinfosec/extras
    → Passwords: https://files.doxbin.gg/CRtslyeP.txt
    → Search history: https://files.doxbin.gg/BsMu4SGj.txt	    
    → Used Password: W00dsattic098#$
    → Ip :                                                                                                   ░░░░░░███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
    → Country : United States                                                                                             ▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂
    → City : State College                                                                                                I███████████████████].
    → Zip : 16801                                                                                                           ◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤...
    → Isp : Comcast Cable Communications
    → Organization : Comcast Cable Communications Holdings, Inc

    → Google Maps

    → Latitude : 40.7957
    → Longtitude : -77.8618
    → Google Maps : https://www.google.com/maps/@40.7957,-77.8618,12z
   → City: Pittsburgh
   → Latitude: 40.44062
   → Longitude: -79.99589
   → Postal code: 15201
   → Time zone offset by UTC: -04:00
   → ASN: 7922
   → Name: COMCAST-7922
   → Route:
   → Domain: https://corporate.comcast.com/
   → Type: Cable/DSL/ISP
   → Internet Service: ProviderComcast Cable Communications
   → Connection type: Broadband
  → Info provided by other geolocation stuff:
 Geolocation data from IP2Location (Product: DB6, 2023-4-1)
 COUNTRY: United States 
 REGION: Pennsylvania
 CITY: State College
 ISP: Comcast Cable Communications LLC
 ORGANIZATION: Not available
 LATITUDE: 40.7933
 LONGITUDE: -77.8602
Geolocation data from ipinfo.io (Product: API, real-time)
 COUNTRY: United States 
 REGION: Pennsylvania
 CITY: State College
 ISP: Comcast Cable Communications, LLC
 ORGANIZATION: Comcast Cable Communications Holdings, Inc (comcast.net)
 LATITUDE: 40.7934
 LONGITUDE: -77.8600
Geolocation data from DB-IP (Product: API, real-time )
 COUNTRY: United States 
 REGION: Pennsylvania
 CITY: Pittsburgh
 ISP: Comcast Cable Communications
 ORGANIZATION: Comcast Cable Communications Holdings, Inc
 LATITUDE: 40.4406
 LONGITUDE: -79.9959
Geolocation data from IPregistry.co (Product: API, real-time)
 COUNTRY: United States 
 REGION: Pennsylvania
 CITY: State College
 ISP: Comcast Cable Communications, LLC
 ORGANIZATION: Comcast Cable Communications Holdings, INC
 LATITUDE: 40.79567
 LONGITUDE: -77.86188
Geolocation data from IPGeolocation.io (Product: API, real-time)
 COUNTRY: United States 
 REGION: Pennsylvania
 CITY: Dornsife
 ISP: Comcast
 ORGANIZATION: Comcast Cable Communications, LLC
 LATITUDE: 40.74735
 LONGITUDE: -76.81396
Geolocation data from IPapi.co (Product: API, real-time)
 COUNTRY: United States 
 REGION: Pennsylvania
 CITY: State College
 LATITUDE: 40.7957
 LONGITUDE: -77.8618
Geolocation data from criminalip.io (Product: API, real-time)
 COUNTRY: United States 
 REGION: Not available
 CITY: State College
 ORGANIZATION: Comcast Cable
 LATITUDE: 40.7957
 LONGITUDE: -77.8618
Geolocation data from ipbase.com (Product: API, real-time)
 COUNTRY: United States 
 REGION: Pennsylvania
 CITY: Not available
 ISP: Comcast
 ORGANIZATION: Comcast Cable Communications, LLC
 LATITUDE: 40.7473
 LONGITUDE: -76.8140


	→ root/ranbyinfosec/socials
 → twitter - https://twitter.com/rellyion
 → discord - Rellyion#0001/977599046426456184
 → outlook - woodsattic@outlook.com
 → roblox  - faze_rellyion
 → bandlab - https://www.bandlab.com/krko_
 → gmail 1 - woodsattic@outlook.com
 → gmail 2 - rellyionmaname@gmail.com


	→ root/ranbyinfosec/notes


	→ root/ranbyinfosec/credits

Zexyo#7203 and Fail for helping me.                                                                                               


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                                                     .%@@@@%.    .%@@@@#.                                                     
                                                    -@@@@@*        #@@@@@:                                                    
                                                   =@@@@@+          *@@@@@-                                                   
                                                  +@@@@@=            +@@@@@=                                                  
                                                 *@@@@@-              =@@@@@+                                                 
                  .                             %@@@@@:                -@@@@@#                             .                  
                  .%#=:                       .%@@@@#.                  .%@@@@%.                       :=##                   
                    #@@@#=:                  :@@@@@*                      #@@@@%.                  :+#@@@*                    
                     *@@@@@@#=.             =@@@@@+                        *@@@@@:             :=#@@@@@@+                     
                      +@@@@@@@@@*=.        +@@@@@=                          +@@@@@=        :=#@@@@@@@@@=                      
                       -@@@@@@@@@@@@*=.   *@@@@@:                            -@@@@@+   .=#@@@@@@@@@@@@:                       
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                           #@@@@%.  :=%@@@@@@@@%+-.                        .-*%@@@@@@@@%=.  :@@@@@*                           
                            *@@@@@:  -@@@@@@@@@@@@@%+-                 .-*%@@@@@@@@@@@@@:  -@@@@@+                            
                             +@@@@@==@@@@@= :+#@@@@@@@@%+-          -+%@@@@@@@@#=: +@@@@@-+@@@@@=                             
                              =@@@@@@@@@@-      :+#@@@@@@@@%+-  -*%@@@@@@@@#=:      =@@@@@@@@@@-                              
                               :@@@@@@@%.           :+#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#+:           :@@@@@@@%.                               
                                -@@@@@@.               .*@@@@@@@@@@@@+                -@@@@@@.                                
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                              =@@@@@@@@@@-      :+#@@@@@@@@%+-  -*%@@@@@@@@#=:      =@@@@@@@@@@-                              
                             +@@@@@=+@@@@@= :=#@@@@@@@@%+-         .-*%@@@@@@@@#=. +@@@@@=+@@@@@=                             
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                         .%@@@@%-=#@@@@@@@@@@@:                                -@@@@@@@@@@@*=-%@@@@%.                         
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                       -@@@@@@@@@@@@*=.   *@@@@@:                            -@@@@@+   .=#@@@@@@@@@@@@:                       
                      +@@@@@@@@@*=.        +@@@@@=                          +@@@@@=        :=#@@@@@@@@@=                      
                     *@@@@@@#=.             =@@@@@+                        *@@@@@:             :=#@@@@@@+                     
                    #@@@#=:                  :@@@@@*                      #@@@@%.                  :+#@@@*                    
                  .%#=:                       .%@@@@#                   .%@@@@%.                       :+##                   
                  .                            .%@@@@%.                :@@@@@#                             .                  
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