Hello! This is a dox on Lexie/logan and here's why, Hes racist, homophobic, transphobic also he scams shit, begs, and has some weird ass fetish's

He ask tons of people for nude pics and if he didn't get them he would threaten them with personal info. 

Made by Lenny and thanks Joke for archiving this dox!

|Full Name: Logan Saylor Zane|
|Discord: -Lexie-#0001|
|ID: 887552663036784671|
|Email: logansaylorzane1@icloud.com, saylorl100@gmail.com|
|Password's: L0GanDaddy111%, L0GanDaddy333%|
|Latitude:  43.613499  (43° 36′ 48.60″ N|
|Longitude:  -116.203453  (116° 12′ 12.43″ W|
|General Location: Boise, Idaho, United States|

|rec.net: https://rec.net/user/d0opy|
|Twitter: https://twitter.com/Logan11545806|
|Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/logan.saylor.5623|

|Grandma: Kimm Saylor / https://www.facebook.com/kimm.saylorrohaly|
|Mom: https://www.facebook.com/melissasaylor4|
|Dad: https://www.facebook.com/aaron.zane.3|



|8-10 Of age:|


Short dox IK, Made by Lenny.