Doxed by hvh legend aka heaven

personal information
real name - Boiko Razerov
Phone Number - +35924034000
Street - 24/1 Khilzi Road, Shamoly, Dhaka
Area code - 4453
Discord - Rayzer#1010
Credit Card - 5341867777473892
Birthday - 13 july 2005
School - №13
information about his mother
real name - Maria Razerov
Birthday - 23 december 1978
Credit card - 5418677788892
Number - 35974034886
information about his father
real name - theodor Dangolov Razerov
Birthday 35 july 1979 
Credit card - 541867778888
Number -  35974034877
reason for dox literally some random clown from bulgaria
think he get doxed enjoy dox next time be smart and if you will again be idiot
ill swat you enjoy $$$ owned by hvh king