¦ FULL name - Maxim Olegovich Calculations ¦ Phone number - 89084643444,89990843271 ¦ Date of birth - 12.09.2004 ¦ His page (vk) ( Main) -https://vk.com/mi_v_axye_228 ¦ His page (vk) ( Old) -https://vk.com/id817141867 ¦ Place of residence - Khabarovsk, Industrialnaya str. 1a ¦ School - Dalnegorsk Secondary school No. 1 The school's website - https://shkola1dalnegorsk-r25.gosweb .gosuslugi.ru/ School number - No. 1 The school's address is 127 50 Let Oktyabrya Avenue ¦ Reason: - A rag that creeps under the heifers, hiding behind another Doxing by ANGXL