Reason of dox: death threats, 2 rapes including my friend, threats to beat the shit out of one of my best friends, thats bout all. ------------------------- =Name: Ethan Roksantdich= ------------------------- ------------------------------------ =Moms name: Stephine Ayn Roksandich= ------------------------------------ (i believe this is the dad or brother im not sure sorry) ----------------------- = Robert L Roksandich = ----------------------- ------------------------------- = Phone Numbers: 330-220-1308 = = 304-527-2031 = = 304-737-0666 = ------------------------------- ----------- = Age: 17 = ----------- -------------- = State: Ohio= -------------- ------------------- = City: Brunswick = ------------------- ------------------------------- = Address: 5181 Preston place = **its already been swatted by ht and hurified but you can if you want** ------------------------------- ---------------------------------- = School: Brunswick middle school= **also has been swatted by hurified and ht** ---------------------------------- -------------------- = Ip: = -------------------- ----------------------------- = HIS SOCIALS / CREDIT CARD = ----------------------------- -------------------- =Snap: eroksandich1= -------------------- ------------------------------------------------ = CC: (written in xim) = = = = = = = = VISA = = 4733112591682421 = = CNB = = Ethan Rocksatige = =
/5181 Preston place Address> = = UNITED STATES = = $740 = = 652 = = 5/2024 = = 3918 = ------------------------------------------------