======================================================================================================================================= = Reason for DOX: bro tried to act tough up to me and forgot he was a pedo tsk tsk tsk.. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1198128676076793868/1198128997423386774/image.png?ex=65bdc795&is=65ab5295&hm=40037ebeaae92136c17dc303adb3762e452bf1d9c359ebaed12ed1558239e883&=&format=webp&quality=lossless https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1198128676076793868/1198129447371559063/image.png?ex=65bdc800&is=65ab5300&hm=45abded95f80e04d0ac4334ac86ce3b95914319caf82d731715c899895d6198b&=&format=webp&quality=lossless https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1198128676076793868/1198129525880520745/image.png?ex=65bdc813&is=65ab5313&hm=fe24e96f2aa818a2873d4236a1c9dc19efee69dec8e4c130e9c3f29810a802f9&=&format=webp&quality=lossless ======================================================================================================================================= ----- About ----- Full Name: RYAN DAVID FIROVED Home Address: 5300 BLOCK OF 244 ST SW, MOUNT LAKE TERRACE, WA 98043 City: MOUNT LAKE TERRACE Zip/Postal: 98043 State/Province: WA (washington) Country: US ----- Relatives ----- Mom:Carol Firoved Home Address: 1000 Summit Blvd Manson WA 98831 - Dad: Charles Higgins (DEAD, WE SMOKIN THAT NIGGA PACK LMAOOO) - Dad: Randall Firoved Home Address: 1000 Summit Blvd Manson WA 98831 - Sister(s): Emily Baumgartner Home Address: 14229 Jennings Vista Way Lakeside CA 92040 - Brother(s): Jason Saffa Home Adress: 14229 Jennings Vista Way Lakeside CA 92040 - Close Friend(s): N/A ----- Telephone Numbers ----- Work/VOIP #: (425) 202-7528 Cell #: (425) 785-0721 Home #: (425) 820-8016 - (425) 814-4842 - (425) 868-4954 ----- Other ----- Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/aaron-firoved-ph-d-466a5b3 ----- End of dox ----- my discord is f4gg, i have major loads of pedos HMU if you can help w/ doxxing. Thank you to DEDSEC1 for finding these Some old IPS: (Oct 2011) (Sep 2007) If you don’t mind giving me some credit or a shoutout that will be appreciated. dedsec/killsec on bottom Emails for carol: ampercarol@gmail.com cfiroved@hotmail.com campercarol@hotmail.com campercarol@worldnet.att.net campercarol@olc-architects.com campercarol1@olc-architects.com Cords: 47.905800°, -120.190000° HOME FACTS: Year Built 2024 Home Value > $1,000,000