___ Personal Details ___
Her Photo: https://ibb.co/cxZzd9p
Name: Unknown but should be easy to figure out keep reading
Age: 22 (as of 2023)
Sex: Female
Relationship Status: Single
Body count: 0
Religion: Roman Catholicism
Country: Hong Kong (HK)
Siblings: 1 Big brother (25 years old and engaged as of 2023)
Hobby: Drawing hedgehog on her tablet (She even has an Instagram account with photos of her hedgehog digital arts)
Aim in life: Wants to serve in the military (excluding her own country)
Mental Status: Autistic
Disorders: Autism, ADHD and PTSD
Drugs consumption: Ritalin 10mg (Prescribed)
Device that they use to communicate online: Her crappy ASUS Vivobook laptop that runs windows 10 and crappy Android phone
Knowns and can speak: Cantonese, Simplified/Traditional Chinese, English (Not so broken)
Hates: The CCP and trolls
Education: Graduated from top university in Hong Kong with a degree in STEM
Major: Molecular Biology
Current job: Works at a low tier biology lab
Salary: ~1.5K USD/month

___ Socials ___
2047: https://2047.one/u/5346
Matrix ID: randombro:matrix.org

___ Additional Notes ___
She has weird obsessions and sexual fantasies with her co-workers (sexually).
She's very kinky but hides it since she dislikes it (Limited by her religion).
She almost raped her Boss once.
Mostly copes with masturbation but doesn't want to admit.