Discord id: 398707015926677514
address: 16008 zagros way
bee cave, TX 78738
Full name: Nicholas Guaimano
gmail: nicholasguaimano@gmail.com    (uses this for everything)
Know passwords: Nguaimano,Smith112,Smith122,smith112,smith122
Pictures of him: https://imgur.com/UzmML5O https://imgur.com/oAKrjFw https://imgur.com/gG7eGfJ https://imgur.com/vHPfB9m
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nickplayzyt123
youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkIJgC3FKwpKErg4lRvNwMA 
Reasoning: he is the most raciest kid I've met in a long time we used to be friends but he stole a lot from me charged back a ton 
and tried ddosing me. I would like anybody who can help to do as much as you can to mess him up he dosent deserve to be as raciest
as he is but thinks its ok. Please mess this kid up. Thank you doxbin!
Ps. If you wanna help bring this kid to justic
repost this dox and help me out!