Doxx For: Shoji Kaburagi 

Age: 59 

   H a p p y   B i r t h d a y ...  
       Birthday: 3/6/1963
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                                              YOUR ADDRESS IS.....

 ________  ____  .________      ________         .__       .___                   .___        .__               _________   __                         
/   __   \/_   | |   ____/     /  _____/   ____  |  |    __| _/ ____    ____    __| _/_____   |  |    ____      \_   ___ \_/  |_                       
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        \/             \/     \/      \/                            \/ )/            \/         \/             \/                \/        \/       

                         IMAGINE KNOWING...........

     ><<                               ><<                                      ><<              ><<          
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 ><<<<     ><<    ><<<  ><<  ><< ><<<   ><< ><<  ><<  ><< ><<<><<<  ><<        ><<<<     ><<    ><<<  ><<<<   

                            AGE: 42

.s5SSSs.  .s5SSSs.  .s5SSSs.  .s5ssSs.  .s5SSSs.  .s5SSSs.  
      SS.       SS.       SS.    SS SS.       SS.       SS. 
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                      `. "-._                
                        T.   "-.             
                         $$p.   "-.          
                         $$$$b.    `,        
                      .g$$$$$$$b    ;        
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                 __d$$$$$$P""^T$$   :        
               .d$$$$P^^""___       :        
              d$P'$$$$$$$$$$; ;        
             d$$ :$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$;  ;       
            :$$; $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P  :$       
            $$$  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$b  $$       
           :$$$ :$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$; $$;      
           $$$; $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$; $$;      
          :$$$  $$$$$$$$$^$$$$$$$$$ :$$      
          $$$; :$$$p__gP' `Tp__g$$$ :$$      
         :$$$  $$P`T$P' .$. `T$P'T$; $$;     cool but did you know you used to live              
         $$$; :$$;     :P^T;     :$; $$;     1011 W Butler Rd Apt 521, Greenville, SC 29607
        :$$$  $$$$-.           .-$$$ :$$       101 Ridge Rd Apt 48, Greenville, SC 
        $$$$ :$$$$; \   T$P   / :$$$  $$         926 Cleveland St, Greenville, SC 29601
       :$$$; $$$$$$  ; b:$;d :  $$$$; $$;         6001 Old Shell Rd Apt 11, Mobile, AL 36608 (Is where your mom and dad live) :) 
    .g$$$$$  :$$$$$$  ;' | ':  $$$$$$  T$b                905 Goldendale Ct, Greenville, SC 29607 (You lived in your aunts house pooron)
 .g$$$$$$$$   $$$$$$b :     ; d$$$$$;   `Tb            213 Ashwood Ln, Anderson, SC 29625
:$$$$$$$$$;   :$$$$$$$;     :$$$$$$P       \       213 Ashwood Ln, Anderson, SC 29625 
:$$$$$$$$$;    T$$$$$$$p._.g$$$$$$P         ;        950 Goldendale Ct, Greenville, SC 29607 (DAMN YOU LIVED IN ALOT OF HOUSE SAD:( STILL WONT GET YOU OUT OF GETTING ON DOXBIN NIGGA!)
$$$P^^T$$$$p.   `T$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P'     _/`. :
       `T$$$$$b.  `T$$$$$$$$$$P'    .g$P   \;
        `T$$$$$b.  "^T$$$$P^"     d$P'      
           `T$$$$$b.             .dP'        
             "^T$$$$b.        .g$P'          
                "^T$$$b    .g$P^"            


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 %%%%% %   @    @   %%      | | ==####
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%%  %%% %  \_    | %%      | |       =##
%    %%%% %  u^uuu %%     | |         ==#
      %%%% %%%%%%%%%      | |           V                                   Nice Phone Number: (864) 277-5537

                                and your Phone Phone Nunber is: (334) 342-7492 

                                    (Gonna have to call and spam!) 


Link to house:,+Greenville,+SC+29607/@34.7773703,-82.3265982,3a,75y,321.29h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sjkw_lzS74j9oKAn2jANOZA!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x88582595ad69ab2f:0x7e1c44b7ebdbc7fd!2s915+Goldendale+Ct,+Greenville,+SC+29607!3b1!8m2!3d34.777625!4d-82.326823!3m4!1s0x88582595ad69ab2f:0x7e1c44b7ebdbc7fd!8m2!3d34.777625!4d-82.326823

GO check it out! 

                        DOXX OWNER: Oxto/bartloes