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                                    `Y88P'  `Y88P'  VP   V8P    YP    Y88888P VP   V8P    YP    `8888Y' 
                                                ║ → 0x10 | Introduction........................... ║
                                                ║ → 0x20 | Personal Information................... ║
                                                ║ → 0x30 | Social Media........................... ║
                                                ║ → 0x40 | Family................................. ║
                                                ║ → 0x50 | Outro.................................. ║

   ✿ 0x10 -> Introduction
   Alexnadria is a dumb ewhore who acts hard on a block game and has been for awhile , 
   we're all fed up with her actions online.

  Ms. Patee, you have been convicted for the following violations:
    ✿  Being a EWhore
    ✿  Hella Egotistical
    ✿  Poor
    ✿  Harmless


   ✿ 0x20 -> Personal Information
   Enjoy all my wonderful readers.

   ✿ Online Alias(s)
         ✿ hotegirlfriend
         ✿ qtandria
         ✿ ale x

   ✿ Full Name + Age
         ✿ Alexandria Matthew/Elena Patee
         ✿ 15/16 Years of age
         ✿ Date of Birth: 05/25/2005

   ✿ Address                                                                        

         ✿ 129 Rankin Way Benicia, California 94510

   ✿ Occupation + High School                                                                  

         ✿ School: Benecia High School
         ✿ Occupation: none, poor

✿ High School Information                                                                  
      ✿ Benicia High School
      ✿ Address: 1101 Military W, Benicia, CA 94510
      ✿ Number: (+1-707) 747-8325
      ✿ Principal: Brianna Kleinschmidt
      ✿ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0f0xG5m7ZBQBF7UE-R71HQ
      ✿ Website: https://bhs.beniciaunified.org/
      ✿ Twitter: https://twitter.com/beniciahighbhs
      ✿ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BeniciaHighPanthers/
      ✿ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrew-phillips-9553274a

   ✿ Phone Number(s)
         ✿ (+1-415) 733-4005
         ✿ (+1-415) 351-4356

   ✿ Email(s)
         ✿ 11hellsbane11@gmail.com
         ✿ aprilpatee@aol.com
         ✿ 11mrp11@gmail.com
         ✿ apatee@aol.com
         ✿ steelwolves2000@gmail.com
         ✿ ceasealiomaloo32f@gmail.com
         ✿ ampatee@gmail.com
         ✿ sona030102@gmail.com
         ✿ randomsonastuff@gmail.com

   ✿ IP Address

   ✿ Password(s)
         ✿ tdtmd444
         ✿ ticamarie
         ✿ oldwolf
         ✿ bigbank510
         ✿ bigbankfam
         ✿ 66bob
         ✿ angel-patee


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   ✿ 0x30 -> Social Media
Here's her social media, go bully them . K thx ˚‧º·( 。ᗒ ‸  ◕✿)

   ✿ Namemc
         ✿ https://namemc.com/profile/JvstAlex.4https://namemc.com/profile/qtandria.2https://namemc.com/profile/Restarted.8
   ✿ Discord
         ✿ ale x##9655
         ✿ <@355435924475084800>
   ✿ Snapchat
         ✿ https://www.snapchat.com/add/andrbruh

   ✿ Youtube
         ✿ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxluGS_YGaKQYwq-d3RMyJg/channels
 ✿ LinkedIn
        ✿ https://www.linkedin.com/public-profile/in/alexandria-elena-patee-30496a1a4?challengeId=AQFvVEwUiH2h9AAAAXjjG0DVoLxAwZ776b1uMwV0wQbxLnL8nleoX9-tLKmM70b0LISjKMXHjNLrhW0TGiH4v_jCu_4v60NKag&submissionId=d392348b-5ed7-7616-1b2e-1fadf8a11413


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                                         " Going for the entire family tree " 

   ✿ 0x40 -> Family
   Since she decided to really fucking piss me off, I decided to just add in a bit of personal things per say. 
   Welcome to family dox, enjoy.

         +------ Personal Information -------------------------------------------------+

         ✿ Full Name -> Matthew C Patee
         ✿ Address(es)-> 129 Rankin Way Benicia, California 94510 (Current)
                          249 Curry St Richmond California 94801 (From around 2011)
                          2328 Doidge Ave Pinole, California 94564 (From Around 2011)
                          685 E I St Benicia, California 94510 (From Around 2008)
         ✿ Phone Number(s) -> (+1-415) 351-4356
                               (+1-415) 733-4005
                               (+1-510) 867-8520
                               (+1-502) 968-1085
                               (+1-510) 758-3487
         ✿ E-mails -> 11mrp11@gmail.com
         ✿ IRL: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/833173292754927636/833176091936948274/unknown.png
         +------ Personal Information -------------------------------------------------+

         ✿ Full Name -> April A Patee 
         ✿ Address(es)-> 129 Rankin Way Benicia, California 94510 (Current)
         ✿ Phone Number(s) -> (+1-510) 758-3487
         ✿ E-mails -> aprilpatee@aol.com
        ✿ Occupation -> Staff Nurse II At Kaiser Permanente
        ✿ LinkedIn - > https://www.linkedin.com/in/april-patee-4790a913
         +------ Personal Information -------------------------------------------------+

         ✿ Full Name -> Angel Patee
         ✿ Address(es)-> 106 N Main St Spearville, Kansas 67876 (Current)
                          2328 Doidge Ave Pinole, California 94564 (From Around 2011)
                          685 E I St Benicia, California 94510 (From Around 2008)
         ✿ Phone Number(s) -> (+1-620) 227-7532
                               (+1-620) 385-2532
         ✿ E-mails -> apatee@aol.com

         +------ Personal Information -------------------------------------------------+

         ✿ Full Name -> Janet E Patee 
         ✿ Address(es)-> 210 Country Club Pkwy Mineral Wells, Texas 76067 (Current)
                          2011 Se 19th Street, Mineral Wells, Texas 76067 (past)
         ✿ Phone Number(s) -> (+1-940) 325-8970
                               (+1-940) 372-106
         ✿ E-mails -> wepjep@suddenlink.net
         ✿ Occupation -> Clerk II at Texas Dept of Criminal Justice
         ✿ LinkedIn -> https://www.linkedin.com/in/janet-patee-84b26888

         +------ Personal Information -------------------------------------------------+

         ✿ Full Name -> David T Patee
         ✿ Address(es)-> 5101 Sierra Springs Dr Pollock Pines, California 95726 (Current)
                          609 Surrey Lane, Sioux City, Indiana 51106 (Past)
                          484 Main St, Diamond Springs, California 95619 (Past)
         ✿ Phone Number(s) -> (+1-530) 676-7042
                               (+1-530) 644-4976
         ✿ E-mails -> d_pattee@msn.com
         ✿ Occupation -> Owner of Fine Line Tattoo & Piercing
         ✿ LinkedIn -> https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-patee-791b1985?trk=people-guest_people_search-card
         +------ Personal Information -------------------------------------------------+

         ✿ Full Name -> Carla K Patee
         ✿ Address(es)-> 5559 Brookline Dr Orlando, Florida 32819 (Current)
                          117 Canterbury Rd Dodge City, Kansas 67801 (From 2016)
         ✿ Phone Number(s) -> (+1-206) 467-5393
                               (+1-206) 624-6622
         ✿ E-mails -> Carlapatee@yahoo.com
         +------ Personal Information -------------------------------------------------+

         ✿ Full Name -> Aaron G Patee
         ✿ Address(es)-> 106 N Main St Spearville, Kansas 67876 (Current)
         ✿ Phone Number(s) -> (+1-620) 227-7532
                               (+1-620) 385-2532
         ✿ E-mails -> Pateeaaron@hotmail.com 
         ↳------ Personal Information -------------------------------------------------+

         ✿ Full Name -> Gregory E Patee
         ✿ Address(es)-> 117 Canterbury Rd Dodge City, Kansas 67801 (Current)
         ✿ Phone Number(s) -> (+1-620) 227-7532
                             ↳  (+1-620) 338-8546
         ✿ E-mails -> Decatur67@mail2mate.com
         ✿ Occupation -> Director of Facilities & Operations at Dodge City Community College
         ✿ LinkedIn -> https://www.linkedin.com/in/greg-patee-5b641471
         ------ Personal Information -------------------------------------------------+

         ✿ Full Name -> Edmund Patee
         ✿ Address(es)-> 5559 Brookline Dr Orlando, Florida 32819 (Current)
                          223 Yesler Way Apartment 912, Seattle, Washington, 98104
         ✿ Phone Number(s) -> (+1-206) 467-5393
                               (+1-206) 624-6622
         ✿ E-mails -> Epatee@ameritech.net


  ✿ 0x50 -> Outro
✿ Dear Alexandria Patee, Please stop acting like you're hard on roxbot. We only did this to prove that you are Harmless and that you are NOT RIU. 

Thank you everyone very, very much for stopping by to read this dox.

It is Very well Appreciated, Have a good Rest of your day/night.

Signed By,

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