                                                                                                      //  \\
                                                                                                     //    \\
                                                                                                    //      \\
                                                                                                   //  ,-''-.\\
                                                                                                  //  /'``'. \\\
                                                                                                 //.-':'    | |\\
                                                                                                /// /`     / /  \\
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                                                                                              //  \ '.__,-/       \\
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                                                                                 <NWO>            <new world order>           <NWO>
                                                                                 ║→ 0x01 | Introduction...........................║
                                                                                 ║→ 0x02 | Personal Information...................║
                                                                                 ║→ 0x03 | House Information..... ................║
                                                                                 ║→ 0x04 | Family Information.....................║
                                                                                 ║→ 0x05 | discords...............................║
                                                                                 ║→ 0x06 | passwords..............................║
                                                                                 ║→ 0x07 | Credits................................║

                                                                                              WELCOME TO THE NEW WORLD

                                                                  Hello Doxbin. today we got a cp collector. i found it in a private vault owned 
                                                                  by a friend of his while lurking on his account a few days ago. didnt know what
                                                                  to do at the time and now i have decided that the best thing to do was dox him!
                                                                  and to gorey, the owner of the vault, youre next.

                                                                                               _____ _   _ ______ ____  
                                                                                              |_   _| \ | |  ____/ __ \ 
                                                                                                | | |  \| | |__ | |  | |
                                                                                                | | | . ` |  __|| |  | |
                                                                                               _| |_| |\  | |   | |__| |
                                                                                              |_____|_| \_|_|    \____/ 

                                                                   Pseudonyms: Gabe, Milo, Varlem, Noofy, baby noofy, Woofy, Carlos, Puxx, Xoues
                                                                   Name: jacob Smith
                                                                   Address:  4623 6th Street Southeast Washington 20032 (verified also do as u please lalala)
                                                                   DOB: XX/X/2008
                                                                   Emails: jacobsmith22@gmail.com 
                                                                   Phone Number: 202-860-9414 (verified)
                                                                   202 area code: District Of Columbia (Washington)
                                                                   Country: USA

							           Computer Name: DESKTOP-CHGDRJI
							           Computer OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Home
							           Total Memory: 8 GB
							           HWID: 5F59A1A8-B75C-0000-0000-000000000000
							           CPU: AMD64 Family 23 Model 113 Stepping 0, AuthenticAMD
							           GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GT 730
							           Product Key: YTMG3-N6DKC-DKB77-7M9GH-8HVX7


                                                                   Socials: https://www.instagram.com/wickedhandling/ <(verified) 
                                                                            https://www.instagram.com/offmahrij/ $6mahri(cashapp) 
                                                                            lamron GDK#2903 (853367372286656533)
                                                                   Wi-Fi and Network Information:
                                                                   IP Address: 
                                                                   Network 1: mikeyicey
                                                                   Password: 2025617878mike20
                                                                   Network 2: iPhone
                                                                   Password: Cheche09

                                                                   Network 3: xfinitywifi
                                                                   Password: (None)

                                                                   Network 4: TheseNuts
                                                                   Password: Jumpman23

                                                                   Network 5: Ring Setup 2c
                                                                   Password: (None)

                                                                   Network 6: LG hotspot
                                                                   Password: (None)

                                                                                          _    _  ____  _    _  _____ ______ 
                                                                                         | |  | |/ __ \| |  | |/ ____|  ____|
                                                                                         | |__| | |  | | |  | | (___ | |__   
                                                                                         |  __  | |  | | |  | |\___ \|  __|  
                                                                                         | |  | | |__| | |__| |____) | |____ 
                                                                                         |_|  |_|\____/ \____/|_____/|______|

                                                                  Estimate: $321,000
                                                                  Rent: $2,400
                                                                  Rooms: 4
                                                                  Bathrooms: 1.5
                                                                  SQ ft: 1,224 sqft
                                                                  Tax History:
                                                                  Year	Property taxes	Tax assessment
                                                                  2022	$1,131 +8.1%	$225,860 +7.3%
                                                                  2021	$1,046 +9.4%	$210,550 +2.8%
                                                                  2020	$956 +18.4%	$204,870 +8.4%
                                                                  2018	$808 +9%	$189,060 +1.4%
                                                                  2017	$741 +9.1%	$186,490 +11.5%
                                                                  2016	$680 +9.5%	$167,190 +15.8%
                                                                  2015	$620 +0.5%	$144,380 +1.1%
                                                                  2014	$617 -5.8%	$142,840 -2.3%
                                                                  2013	$655 -10.8%	$146,200 -5.1%
                                                                  2012	$735	$153,980
                                                                  2011	$735 +3.7%	$153,980 -26.1%
                                                                  2010	$709 +36.1%	$208,460 -8.1%
                                                                  2009	$521 +3.5%	$226,860 +32.8%
                                                                  2007	$503 +5.2%	$170,850 +37.2%
                                                                  2006	$478 -28.1%	$124,500 +16.1%
                                                                  2005	$665 +10.3%	$107,250 +6.4%
                                                                  2004	$603 -10.5%	$100,770 +0.7%
                                                                  2003	$673 0%	$100,100 0%
                                                                  2002	$673 +17.4%	$100,103 +11.6%
                                                                  2001	$573	$89,698


                                                                                    ______      __  __ _____ _  __     __
                                                                                   |  ____/\   |  \/  |_   _| | \ \   / /
                                                                                   | |__ /  \  | \  / | | | | |  \ \_/ / 
                                                                                   |  __/ /\ \ | |\/| | | | | |   \   /  
                                                                                   | | / ____ \| |  | |_| |_| |____| |   
                                                                                   |_|/_/    \_\_|  |_|_____|______|_|   


                                                                                Name: Jenille Smith 
                                                                                Address: 4623 6th St SE Washington, DC 20032
                                                                                DOB: May ?? 1992
                                                                                AGE: 30
                                                                                Emails: jenillebenton22@gmail.com
                                                                                Number: (202) 373-0130 - Landline (202) 603-1838 - Wireless (202) 561-7707 - Landline (909) 944-8192 - Landline


                                                                                 Name: Dasia Smith
                                                                                 Address:4623 6th St SE Washington, DC 20032
                                                                                 DOB: unknown
                                                                                 AGE: unknown

                                                                                  _____ _____  _____  _____ ____  _____  _____   
                                                                                 |  __ \_   _|/ ____|/ ____/ __ \|  __ \|  __ \ 
                                                                                 | |  | || | | (___ | |   | |  | | |__) | |  | |
                                                                                 | |  | || |  \___ \| |   | |  | |  _  /| |  | |
                                                                                 | |__| || |_ ____) | |___| |__| | | \ \| |__| |
                                                                                 |_____/_____|_____/ \_____\____/|_|  \_\_____/

                                                                                 Username: Il#5947
                                                                                 User ID: 895754532171165736
                                                                                 MFA enabled: No
                                                                                 Email: thizzkidk@outlook.com
                                                                                 Phone: +12025710586
                                                                                 Verified: Yes
                                                                                 Nitro: No Nitro
                                                                                 Billing Method(s): (No Payment Method)

                                                                                 Token: ODk1NzU0NTMyMTcxMTY1NzM2.GyGYaB.wKMnEVJ7qABD6ldjJA0W_Ap4AT28P3PW9vZ_yQ

                                                                                 Gift Codes: (None)

                                                                                 Username: Milo#0006
                                                                                 User ID: 1025191017923743744
                                                                                 MFA enabled: No
                                                                                 Email: varlemuwu@gmail.com
                                                                                 Phone: (No Phone Number)
                                                                                 Verified: Yes
                                                                                 Nitro: Nitro
                                                                                 Billing Method(s): Card (1)

                                                                                 Token: MTAyNTE5MTAxNzkyMzc0Mzc0NA.G5KcbX.B9PskCZDDFJbZrj-tK1vLSDOa7lX4PXhz0moTY

                                                                                 Gift Codes: (NONE)

                                                                                 Username: lamron GDK#2903
                                                                                 User ID: 853367372286656533
                                                                                 MFA enabled: No
                                                                                 Email: ayedream@outlook.com
                                                                                 Phone: (No Phone Number)
                                                                                 Verified: Yes
                                                                                 Nitro: No Nitro
                                                                                 Billing Method(s): (No Payment Method)

                                                                                 Token: ODUzMzY3MzcyMjg2NjU2NTMz.Gu27cD.bNMPFn08n_88yUoR81F-uyFV3KHIyHjQO15xDk

                                                                                 Gift Codes: (NONE)

                                                                                 [Payment Type]     Credit Card
                                                                                 [CC Holder Name]     Jacob Smith
                                                                                 [CC Brand]         Visa
                                                                                 [CC Number]        4* ** ** ** ** ** 06 41
                                                                                 [CC Exp. Date]     01/28
                                                                                 [Address 1]        4623 6th Street Southeast
                                                                                 [City]             Washington
                                                                                 [Postal Code]      20032
                                                                                 [State]            DC
                                                                                 [Country]          US