User "Pulpo" or "Seb" of Telegram is involved in illegal drug dealing and money laundering. He runs a TOR Hidden service from his home computer that seems to host a cryptocurrency mixer which he advertises specifically to assist buyers of illegal darknet drug markets. His telegram group is focused around the topic of buying drugs from darknet markets. He is actively assisting teenagers of a young age to buy drugs online, his activity is also heavily involved with the fansign/cutting scene where girls between the ages of 12-16 are regularly exploited for nudes and cutting pics.

Here is his services advertisement on his telegram channel:

Domain purchased by Pulpo:
Purchased via (definitely not secure or private LMAO)

Internet Alias: Pulpo
Telegram user:
Telegram group:
(created Feburary the 5th)
TOR Hidden service: http://mlyusr6htlxsyc7t2f4z53wdxh3win7q3qpxcrbam6jf3dmua7tnzuyd.onion/

His home computer hosting it:
Time: Wed 11 May 15:48:10 UTC 2022
IP Address:
IP Host:
Location: Provo, Utah
ISP: Unified Layer
Latitude: 40.23384
Longitude: -111.65853

Report to Provo police asap: