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Reason: Pasting, Smells bad, حمار, and thinks hes 1337 all in all this is a larp who doesnt deserve the internet since all he is a a waste of human

Goes By the following names: vix.dll, flame, proxy, 7r1xy, and more hes changes his shit alot he fears me

His Info
Name: Adonay 
Last Name: Tamrat
Address: 6261 Melody Ln, Dallas, TX 75231
Face: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1252663380733333537/1264028785695526995/image.png?ex=669d0acb&is=669bb94b&hm=ff7339dec68b2d63d914cc1b2bd49e562296a424eb73969c48fe19696ed6b1c3& 
Origin: Ethiopian genetic
Phone: (469) 531 4197
IP address:

Relative Info Mother.

Full Name: Netsanet G Tamrat
Address: 6261 Melody Ln Dallas, TX 75231
Building Type: Residential
Dates of Residence: 1999 - 2003
Land Lines: (214) 891-0209