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Hi. This will be a quick dump as I don't want to spend too much time on
this individual. This dump is for the instagram user "@prolife.forlife2" who
is a terribly rude religious nutcase. Politics aside, this person is just
genuinely unpleasant to interact with and has historically attacked other
people for no reason. Don't know the specifics and I do not care to.

It's nothing special but if you want to take credit for the dump, feel free. My
goal is to publish this information so that others may build onto it if they
choose. This information is for educational purposes only, yada yada yada..

To the dump...

Long story short, madame May can be found by the following:
Name: Stella May
Age: 25 (?)
Address: 1742 Thompson Dr, Winston Salem, NC 27127
Phone Number:
    * 336-816-0101
    * 336-788-7145
       * prolife.forlife2
       * _.prolife.forlife

The rest will be general sources of information leaks / confirming suspicions.

    * prolife.forlife2
    * _.prolife.forlife

Name: Stella May
Leak Source: https://kengine296.substack.com/p/anti-abortion
# Initially, this held little weight as, on it's own, it had little confirmation.
# Stella got particularly unlucky in that her old instagram "name" used to be her
# first name and so previous controversy + her old followers being "supportive" led
# to her name being confirmed as "Stella May".

"I’m so sorry this happened to you, Stella."
(I'm sure this isn't some big secret, but at the time of writing this she appears to be
trying to hide her identity? Idk, I barely know the girl.)

Second Leak:
Location: ~ Carteret County, NC
    * https://www.carolinacoastonline.com/users/profile/stella%20may/

        While Stella May is a fairly common name, it seems this individual concerns
        themselves with the politics of the unborn so heavily they feel the need to
        repeat the exact same talking points from their Instagram page onto these
        articles. Be better, Stella.

Now that we have relative location (A county in NC), the rest should be easy.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stella-may-72943b1ba/
College: Forsyth Technical Community College
Location: ~ Winston-Salem, North Carolina, United States
Confirmation: Exact same nose, jaw, hair in both images. Graduated from a CommCo in 2020 very close to location we found earlier.
    * https://www.linkedin.com/in/stella-may-72943b1ba/detail/photo/
    * https://www.instagram.com/p/B0J9BoSHjxx/

That is all, Go forth and dig further if you please. Thank you for reading.