Mega Busch lex Reason of dox: He breaths my air Name Lex Sirename Busch Number 911 Friends: Where he lives : Lex Isand He is from : Kameruhn Roblox user alexfvmrjhnhu Blood group : Lehm Height: 11F (good for farming) Phone: Nokia (very good for his kind) Skin color: he cloud be my shadow Fear : Neko Loves to play Basketball and eats very often Kfc School: he is sucking for good grades ( it doesnt work) He build his home out of Lehm but he eats it bc he is hungry Thats the story of the loney Busch in my home town @@@#GPPPGG^ ~!!!!!!~: .!^ ^!: ^!7?7!^ .^!7?7!: .~~ ^!: YGPPPPP#@@@@ @@@BPPPPGG^ :#&5YYY5G#5. !@G P@! ^G#5J?J5#B! .J#GY??JP#G~ ^@B. 5@? YGPPPPPG@@@@ @@@GPPPPGG^ :## P@7 !@G P@! 5@J :P5. .G@? ~G5. ^&B Y@? YGPPPPPG&@@@ @@&GPPPPGG^ :#&J????5#Y. !@G P@! ^P#G5Y?!^ ?@5 ^&#JJJJJJJB@? YGPPPPPG&@@@ @@&GPPPPGG^ :#&JJJJJ5BG7 !@P P@! :~7J5G##J. ?@Y ^&#?7????7G@? YGPPPPPG&@@@ @@&GPPPPGG^ :## :&&: ~@B. .B@~ :5Y 5@? ^&#^ .5G^ ^&B Y@? YGPPPPPG&@@@ @@@BPPPPGG^ :#&!~!!!7P@5 Y@G!^^^!P@Y Y@G?~^^~?#B^ ~B&Y!^^~?B&J. ^@B. 5@? YGPPPPPG&@@@ @@@#PPPPGG^ .Y555555Y?^ ^J5PPPPJ^ ^?5PPPPY!. .!Y5PPP5?: :5J 7P~ YGPPPPPG&@@@