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                        |                                       ᴮᶜᵉ⸴ чтᵒ пᵖᵒᶜᵒчилᵒᶜь ᵇ Иᴴтᵉᵖᴴᵉт ⁻ ᵒᶜтᵃᵉтᶜя ᵇ ᴴᵉᴹ‧ ᴴᵃᵇᶜᵉгдᵃ‧                                                 |
                        |                                                             IGN: prada                                                                        |
                        |                                                          First name: Daniil                                                                   |
                        |                                                      Middle name: Alexandrovich                                                               |
                        |                                                           Surname: Simkin                                                                     |
                        |                                                    Date of birth: 19th June 2003                                                              |
                        |                                 Phone number: +79139076820 (old), +79994685680 (old), +79994507079                                            |
                        |                                      Card's number: 4276 4413 4823 4340, 2202 2021 9851 3610                                                  |
                        |                                                        MAIL: simkin03@mail.ru                                                                 |
                        |           Locations: Novosibirskaya oblast', Novosibirsk, Industrial'naya st., 3 (?), Kainskaya st., 25A (old), Derzhavina st., 47            |
                        |                                                        School: 13 [graduated]                                                                 |
                        |                                               School's site: http://www.g_13.edu54.ru                                                         |
                        |                                                     Passwords: problema, sim46dg                                                              |
                        |            VK: https://vk.com/id264300020 ; https://vk.com/id101227319 ; https://vk.com/id392896348 ; https://vk.com/id519204696              |
                        |                              OK: https://ok.ru/profile/583066841344 , https://ok.ru/profile/555867413466                                      |
                        |                                                YT: https://www.youtube.com/c/prada1337                                                        |
                        |                 Face: https://imgur.com/rB4zMAD.png ; https://imgur.com/pYIz6y0.png ; https://imgur.com/25722Cl.png                           |
                        |                                                                 Mother:                                                                       |
                        |                                                            First name: Elena                                                                  |
                        |                                                       Surname: Elenina (Truskova)                                                             |
                        |                                                    Date of birth: 10th January 1980                                                           |
                        |                                                       Phone number: +79137611629                                                              |
                        |                                                        MAIL: truskova80@mail.ru                                                               |
                        |           Locations: Novosibirskaya oblast', Novosibirsk, Industrial'naya st., 3 (?), Kainskaya st., 25A (old), Derzhavina st., 47            |         
                        |     VK: https://vk.com/id17722298 - https://bigbookname.com/user/elena-elenina-17722298/access/d56d2259558bf794566599e8fb1d580f13a2742806     |
                        |                                                  OK: https://ok.ru/profile/606754173                                                          |
                        |                                               TG: https://t.me/Lenchik_1980 (5081543897)                                                      |
                        |                                   Face: https://imgur.com/ITcJ0Be.png ; https://imgur.com/iZJ2gWp.png                                         |
                        |             Memes: poor newfag bought an invite to skeet but still scams people for sub {https://vk.com/wall-175293734_34774}                 |
                        |                                                        Reason of deanonymization:                                                             |
                        |                                              Scamming; ugly retard; trashtalking my friends                                                   |