Aubreigh who killed herself at 13 years old after being bullied for 4 years by Molly, Peyton, Ava, Parker in Ocean Springs Middle School, mothers name is heather wyatt 
Aubreigh was born on March 17, 2010
Passed away on September 4, 2023 from suicide.

Who Bullied Aubreigh at Ocean Springs Middle School

Name: Parker Green
address: 867 Cornett RdLenoir City, TN 37771 8427
mom: Brandi Malagarie Green
PHONE : (228) 388-1401
PHONE : (509) 710-2524
dad: Phillip Green

name: Peyton HemBree
snapchat: peyhem09
address: 3425 N 9th St Ocean Springs, MS 39564 1040
mom: Chasidy Wells HemBree
PHONE :(228) 235-3457
PHONE :(228) 327-1167
PHONE :(228) 769-8845
PHONE :(228) 235-5345
dad: David HemBree
(228) 497-5474

Name: Molly Noblitt
Snapchat: molly.noblitt
address: 3404 Nottingham Rd Ocean Springs, MS
mom: Kathryn Smith Noblitt
(228) 382-6151
dad: Monty Noblitt
(228) 697-8709

Name: Ava case
Snapchat: itsnot_ava11
address: 501 S Cleveland AveBrookhaven, MS 39601 3719
dad: James Case
(601) 265-2413

Reason for dox: 4 girls bullied Aubreigh and drove her to kill herself

i know its a shitty dox