i have recently been groomed by a 28 year old
i feel a bit weird talking about it, hes
manipulated me and other girls my age but im the only
one speaking up about it, Im 15, His 
phone number is +49 178 5304827
His full name 
Kaan Caglar
He is from germany, but his parents are turkish
his snapchat is zuuryn
his discord
Mein König#2919
He is a male & 28
His tiktok


im scared he will groom other girls but he has
made me send pictures and keep quiet about it
he’s extremely manipulative.
He even cheated on me with another girl my age
he knows he is guilty and thats why he has had to block 
me when i said im going to finally speak up about it
I hope one of you can help me as i dont know what to do
If you can scare him, flood his comments, friend requests
or even get him in trouble so he stops, or just scare him
enough so he wont do it again would be so appreciated 
thank you for reading ????