       ▌   ________   ___  ___   ________   ________   _______    _____ ______    ________   ________       ___    ___   ▌
       ▌  |\   ____\ |\  \|\  \ |\   __  \ |\   __  \ |\  ___ \  |\   _ \  _   \ |\   __  \ |\   ____\     |\  \  /  /|  ▌
       ▌  \ \  \___|_\ \  \\\  \\ \  \|\  \\ \  \|\  \\ \   __/| \ \  \\\__\ \  \\ \  \|\  \\ \  \___|     \ \  \/  / /  ▌
       ▌   \ \_____  \\ \  \\\  \\ \   ____\\ \   _  _\\ \  \_|/__\ \  \\|__| \  \\ \   __  \\ \  \         \ \    / /   ▌
       ▌    \|____|\  \\ \  \\\  \\ \  \___| \ \  \\  \|\ \  \_|\ \\ \  \    \ \  \\ \  \ \  \\ \  \____     \/  /  /    ▌
       ▌      ____\_\  \\ \_______\\ \__\     \ \__\\ _\ \ \_______\\ \__\    \ \__\\ \__\ \__\\ \_______\ __/  / /      ▌
       ▌     |\_________\\|_______| \|__|      \|__|\|__| \|_______| \|__|     \|__| \|__|\|__| \|_______||\___/ /       ▌
       ▌      \|_________|                                                                                 \|___|/       ▌

                                                ║ 0x01 » Background..................   ║
                                                ║ 0x02 » Information.................   ║
                                                ║ 0x03 » Credits.....................   ║
    ❏ Introduction | 0x01
    The man we found after he and his friends raided our rusty tent

    ❏ Information | 0x02
    Name: Drozdov Semen Nikolaevich
    Phone Number: 79519596279
    Internet Protocol v4: 43.234.2646.534
    Address: ******************
    Emails: khan6607ayan@gmail.com // ayann.khann23@gmail.com // ayannkhann07@gmail.com //spadedevs@gmail.com // ysbefxwdoejxkml@gmail.com
    Password: *******
    Clownds social networks:
           WK: https://vk.com/eou_relixx

    Fathers name: Zabelin Nikolai Alexandrovich
    Phone Number: 79081048735
    Address: *************
    Birthday: 30.04.1972 
    Emails: durango.varela@yahoo.com

    Mothers name: Motirina Elenya Alexandrovna
    Phone Number: **********
    Address: *************
    Birthday: 13.06.1990
    Emails: elyamotiga1306@gmail.com
    ❏ Credits | 0x03
    I hope you don't behave like this anymore when your grow up. Lets play Rust another time!