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                            __/ |                                      __/ |                  
                           |___/                                      |___/                                                          

His name: Arvid Lycke
His mom's name: Ann-Christin Skoglund
His dad's name: Anders Lycke
Picture of him: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/716266339282452491/732882785274036274/image0.jpg
Picture of his mom: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/716266339282452491/732883816342880276/image0.png
Picture of his dad: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/716266339282452491/732883955535314964/image0.png
Phone numbers
His mom's phonie numbers: 0709690972 0733923880
Country he lives in: Sweden
City he live in: Göteborg
Him and both of his parents's address: Fullriggaregatan 27
ZIP Code and area in Göteborg he lives in:  426 74 Västra Frölunda
Accounts on websites/social media
His current Discord username: Pepes Vape#0420
His Discord ID: 352507055489286154
Link to his Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/ko0053pm37cyprxw1v5w2hktz
His old TikTok username: bossestavligen
His new TikTok username: pepesvape420
His Snapchat username: Arvid.lycke
Other information
Age: He was born 2007 so he's either 12 or 13 now.
The school that he goes went to: Hagenskolan
The school that he's about to go to: Påvelund
Both of his parents work as cops.
His parents are divorced.
His father is an alcoholic that sometimes beats him.
Reason for dox
Doxxing my friend for dumping him and being generally retarded.

Also thanks to a person called Egbert for providing me with most of the information.