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Son (victim): Jaden Torres
Address: 3645 Sussex Lane, Philadelphia PA 19114-1816
Phone number: +1 (267) 986-1202
Mailing service: Torresdale 10380 Drummond Rd Philadelphia PA 19114
Mailing phone number service: 215-632-3774
Lat & Long: 40.069557 -74.991835

Dad Info: (he dont live with his dad)
Name: Luis Torres
Last Name Ethnicity: 2010 Census White: 5.35%, Black: 0.57%, Hispanic: 92.16%, Asian: 1.43%
Last Name Rank: 37
Lat. & Long: 40.069557 -74.991835
Address: 9503 State Rd Apt 411 Philadelphia PA (dads)
Work email: america942@gmail.com

Name: Jessica Sigueroa
Age: 37
Phone Number: 215-333-2154
email: 	jess3713@gmail.com
Birth Month-Year: 01-1986
County: 42101 Philadelphia

Xbox: peoplee (duped) & uncrtin
Roblox: userwavvy 
Insta: fvkujj
Property Owners OF APT: 
Owner's Name: Michael P DeLeo   
2nd Owner's Name: Lourie D DeLeo

Estimated Market Value: $299,000
Year Assessed: 2022
Assessed Value Total: $190,300
Assessed Value Land: $47,060
Assessed Value Improvements: $143,240
Tax Bill Amount: $2,174
Year Built: 1961
Building Area (sf): 1,296
Area Lot (acres): 0.0410
Bedrooms: 3
Bathroom: 1

Pictures & Links to socials: