➤ Podophile begging for nudes
➤ Huge ego shit talker refused to give stuff that i owned


➤ dark rust/priority
↪ need anyone doxed dm me on tele
tele - lidderly

 ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????

➤ Location of Birth: DK

↪ Location: city Bronshoj (2700)

➤ Race: paki/forren

➤ Sexual Orientation: Gay

➤ Native Language: some gay forren shit

➤ Gender: Male

➤ Height: 5'8/5'9

        ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

➤ Name: Lucas Santos Hansen
➤ Age: 19
↪ [DOB] Date of Birth: 
  ➣ alias-
         - cizz4

➤ Current Address: Tjørnevænget 17, 2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark  https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1130471259050885182/1130587741172813924/thumbnail.png

➤ Number: +4542832601



➤ Discord: cizz4#0 (559410136440111134)

➤ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXZCT2ZH5-cVfj_CY5kYhZw

➤ Skype: Name: Lucas Santos Hansen
Skype ID: live:lucassantoshansen_1
Contact Type: Skype4Consume

➤ chess.com: Name: clappyisakiddo

➤ Instagram Garrycizz

➤ common emails Lucassantoshansen@live.dk chrcable@hotmail.com chrisjensen@live.dk lucashansen@sctalbaniskole.dk lucassantoshansen@gmail.com

Work information


➤ occupation: GPO ROBLOX PLAYER

➤ Begging minor for nudes

➤ rust: crying about being bad at rust


➤ Common passwords: Sctalbani gyh77dfq Lucas2601 vd8xjHc2gbNL9B- G;B^sZ^.;A/2z2R Vuf48014 luca6241 EnnTT2dE9/77EYw gxe(WaL2iKf.QBK Lucas260107 BrownWallet17

➤ DAD: username: chrcable Christian Hansen email: chrcable@hotmail.com (pic of dad) > https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1129807764466708601/1130209671546933278/image.png
➤ COOKIES LOGINS / HISTORY: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1129420055277486151/1129820104423657592/vault.zip


IP Address:
MAC Address: 2c:fd:a1:5e:0a:e2
Country: DK
Region: Capital Region
City: Bronshoj (2700)
ISP: AS203953

SSID                | PASSWORD
Swooch              | Mikkel06!!
swooch              | Mikkel06!!
Lucas Santos - iPhone| Lucas123
HUAWEI-B535-7700    | LGY1YB34J6T
14dage              | Mikkel06
Name02              | Mikkel06
Name02_5GHz         | Mikkel06
Name02_5G           | Mikkel06
Hansen02_5GHz       | Mikkel06
Hansen02            | Mikkel06
WiFimodem-6F75      | Mikkel06

CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 2700X Eight-Core Processor         
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070
RAM: 16.0
HWID: 2BF8A240-E3A9-11E7-A691-2CFDA15E0AE2

Display Name: Lucas Santos Hansen
Username: User