Name: Рамазанов Али Гаджиевич
    Age: 54 года
    Date of Birth: 21.11.1969
    Address: Г. Москва, Внутригородская Территория Поселение Десеновское, Нововатутинский Проспект, Д. 14, Кв. 192 
    Phone:  +79153100218
    Social Media: @ramazan20205002019 instagram
    Additional Info: Мобильный банк: Альфа Банк, ВТБ, Озон Счёт (Еком Банк), Wildberries (Вайлдберриз Банк), МТС оператор

Name: Ramazanov Ali Hajievich
 Age: 54 years old
 Date of Birth: 21.11.1969
 Address: Moscow, Inner-City Territory, Desenovskoye Settlement, Novovatutinsky Prospekt, 14, Sq. 192 
 Phone: +79153100218
 Social Media: @ramazan20205002019 instagram 
 Additional Info: Mobile Banking: Alfa Bank, VTB, Ozone Account (Ecom Bank), Wildberries (Wildberries Bank), MTS operator

This man was hugging a 12-year-old girl by the waist, and asked if she would become his daughter. The girl asked to drain his data, I help, if possible, then match him, deanonite, doxite, call, beat and all that. #no_pedophilia

I used a translator. I`am from Russia